Korg Littlebits Synth Kit


can korg do no wrong ? they’re on a roll, sweet, hope the street price is right :slight_smile:

Price around 120€ but i am not sure if this will be released outside Japan. “LittleBits” seem to be a kind beginner electronic module toy stuff

Looks like something Teenage Engineering would come up with. :wink:

That looks like fun, I’ll keep my eyes peeled for those.

Here’s a translation.


This is great but a bit too basic in my opinion :slight_smile:

Wish i was a kid right now, especially going through the LittleBits website made me a kid again :slight_smile:

Start em off young…


Makerspace?! Where is that? I would love to take my boys to an event like that!

(also, love the cheek tat :smiley:)


It was a robot wars/STEM event at the local ball field, and I had no idea that there would be a full-on Korg sound lab there. I was helping kiddos (some family, some not) out for at least an hour.

I wish I could put videos up on here, there was some serious square wave noise/R2D2 action going on :space_invader:

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