Korg Kaoss Pad 3 + KP 1

hi folks

bought a Kaoss Pad 3 and the super old no 1 … pretty lame , isnt it?

what do you think?

off course both for sale in Berlin :wink:

I’ve been playing around with sending random midi LFOs to control program change, hold, and the X axis on the kp3. Turns it into a random glitch machine, not unlike the Effectrix plugin. Worth toying around with.

The KP3 I use a lot. It’s ability to MIDI sync and grab loops on the fly make it useful for transitions when I don’t feel like carrying my OT to a gig, and the touchscreen is an audience draw in a live setting. And it’s quite durable (knock on wood). Not a pro-quality piece of gear generally but for those few things it’s really good at, I find it’s worth the price.

Brian Eno at one point was using a chain of KP2’s in his studio.

Everything Dubathonic says and what I enjoy very much about the kaosspad is that it forces you to play and be expressive. Because you have no parameter digits too worry about!

I like my kaospad3 too… fun toy to have…

hey accent (and everybody else who left a comment)
random glitch makes my hard jump!
so, how would I do that?
would i have my MD send midi lfo’s ?
would i have a midi receive machine in the MD ?
that sounds quite interesting what you said! could you hint another words or two which helped me find tutorials on the web regarding midi send and KP 3 ?
big thanks so far! … no word on the kp1 that I also have … it has midi out btw … maybe I ask DarrenAnger if he wants it to built some kickass experiment with it :slight_smile:
thanks again for all replies…makes me feel immediately a bit better because i traded my novation midi kontrol 49sl for the KP3

The KP3 with the actual OS is great for performance together with the OT and A4.
So far I use it only as the synced external effect box. But I could not realy figure out how I can control f.e. the A4
parameters (some of them) via the KP3 (Shift+Ext Ctlr). In the A4 manual I can not find the corrosponding CC numbers
like for volume cc 7 or modulation cc 10, filter cc 64, etc.

Has somebody a cc list?

I’m using the MNM to do this, but you could use the MD or OT as well. I’m sending 3 midi LFOs, all set to random and trig set to hold and controlling program change (depth set to 108 so it doesn’t trigger the drum, synth etc. presets) and the hold button, so that the kp3 keeps flipping through effects randomly and grabbing random bits when the hold is triggered. I modulate the X axis with another LFO to get some variation. It’s particularly cool when the looper captures something from the previous patch for some interesting stutters and stops. Set depth and multiplier to taste and have fun! Start sampling and resampling on the KP3, and you can get some cool things happening and build up new parts.

I’m mostly playing with the MD as input to the KP3, so getting some glitchiness on the MD and then sampling it into the spastic KP3 is a blast.

I took a short clip of this a few weeks ago to show a friend what I meant:

accent … biiiig thanks for your inspiration. … i can believe i have the options for this fuckery right at the ends of my fingertips …

so far i dont even understand 20 % of what is going on… but eventually i will get there…

what does the mnm put out ? sounds, midi control messages, or “lfo’s” just lfo? i know from MD (i have md and a4) you can set lfo into empty machines …

now i must go to martial arts class … but will bug you guys again if you dont mind …

thanks very much for going through the hassle and posting the video in this thread.

thanks everybody else for your comments and tips :slight_smile:

beladiri is waiting (ssbd)

The MNM is sending midi to the kp3 on channel 15 using the midi LFOs (last option on the LFO page). I set CCs on the KP3 to match that of the MNM, so hold is set to CC2 on the KP3, etc. then assign an LFO to the CC. Sorry, should have mentioned that before :frowning: . Audio is coming from the MD into the KP3…there were other sounds in that clip, but you can hear the KP3 effects come in after I turn the FX Depth to max.

I almost sold my KP3, but am glad I didn’t after I started trying to find new ways to control it. Just using the midi LFOs to control preset FX units can breathe new life into them. I’ll probably pick up another Midiverb II at some point because it was cool to P-Lock the gated reverb on one step, and the flanger on another. But now I’ve said too much…:wink:

Accent, thank you!

Never did anything more with midi than sync my KP3, I got plenty of free midi tracks left in my setup to start controlling it deeper:

Touch pad X-axis Control change (#12)
Touch pad Y-axis Control change (#13)
Touch pad on/off Control change (#92)
LEVEL Slider Control change (#93)
FX DEPTH knob Control change (#94)
HOLD button Control change (#95)
SAMPLE BANK A button note on/off (#36)
SAMPLE BANK B button note on/off (#37)
SAMPLE BANK C button note on/off (#38)
SAMPLE BANK D button note on/off (#39)
PROGRAM/BPM knob Program change (0–127)
Timing clock

:slight_smile: Now all I need to do is find a way to not require anymore sleep and we’re off.

No problem! If the Mono had more CCs and LFOs per track, I’d probably try mapping up some of the other parameters.

The other thing is that the KP3 doesn’t save those settings when you power it off, or remember them on startup, so after you get your mapping worked out, save it to a global location.

I’ll stick to the default CC values and set the KP to a unique midi channel, I have a few left in current my setup.

I do however recall that it can save the MIDI settings as well, it remembers to sync externally and it’s channel on mine. Maybe it recalls changes to CC numbers and midi filter settings, the manual is not the clearest on that?

Hmmm, maybe there is an issue with my unit then? I have had it for about 6 years, possibly a battery issue or something, or maybe I need to have another look at the manual. I have to save the global settings to the SD card and reload them after powering the unit on, or it returns to the defaults.

I do with they had fixed the free running sample issue at some point. It would be handy to trigger the sample pads externally.

Another note about sampling using the program change trick: the kp3 will not cycle through programs while sampling, so if you start sampling it will lock to the current effect and record the input/resample with only that effect…

Hmmm, I will report on the ‘save midi settings’ later tonight!

I plan on using the program changes in a less random way, main strategy is trig/pattern related effects and p-locking the X and Y settings, but once I get started anything goes really! :smiley:

i was having a look at one of these the other day…always wanted to have an external effect processor of some sort and the kp has always been something i wanted to put my hands on but thing is…it is (strill) a bit expensive for my pocket at the moment…any alternative you guys know about?

It’s unique, alternatives might be other kaosspads.

…mmm…that sort of was my conclusion as well…am i right in saying that the kp3 hasn’t gone down much in price?
thing is, i’ve not had a chance to properly try one out and i’m not sure which one would fit better. i remember i saw a review on the internet that was pretty good, showing the differences between kp2 and kp3. in the end, i’m looking for something which i can use externally without having to switch on the computer for effects; sure i could use the MnM or A4 but having a dedicated one feels a bit different and some of the effects on the kp are not available on the machines… wonder if the guys at the HQ would fancy a dip into standalone effects realm (digital and analog) with a dedicated box :slight_smile: would be nice

I couldn’t sell my kp3 for $165 USD. They have become really inexpensive.