KMI Soft Step for OT?


Is anyone on here using it? If so would you be willing to share some successful settings with me? I’ve been having trouble getting it to talk with the OT. I really need foot control, and I hate to have to buy another foot controller.


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Works great for me, but I made a template a year ago and haven’t touched it so I don’t know the settings. I just use it to trigger recording and moving up and down tracks using the corresponding note values found in the manual. I use the midi expander so I don’t need to use a computer… do you have it hooked up to the OT via midi (not usb)? Using it in standalone? What are you trying to do with it?

edit: Okay I just opened the editor… the main function I use for record triggering I have set to Source: Foot On; Note: 62; Vel CC:127; Ch #:10 (auto channel on OT, I think default is 11 but I use 10); device/route: SoftStep Expander. All the other pad settings are pretty much the same except the note value. I know you can do way more with the LEDs and such but I really only use it to trigger recording when my hands are in use.


Thanks for the reply. I’m not sure what I managed to do differently, but after your post and tweaking a couple things, now I can get it to arm track recorders and do a few other things I want to do. I’m still working on it, so I will post again once I have a better sense of what appears to work and not to work.

One thing I don’t like is that the OT doesn’t give you any visual feedback. So if you arm the track recorder with your foot, there’s no little “armed” response on the screen, whereas if you do it with your hands, there is. Perhaps there’s a way to get it to send feedback to the pedal.

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Hmmm. . . . I’ve had a Soft Step and 12 Step sitting a drawer, unused, forever!!! Maybe I should try this out. Would be cool for doing live percussion or bass loop.

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Hi there,

Does anyone have experience with using the Keith Mcmillen Softstep 2 MIDI controller with the OT? I got the softstep and the midi expander in order to switch from pattern to pattern but havent been able to program it in and the manual hasn’t helped me a ton. I’m a novice with MIDI so I appreciate if anyone can explain it like I’m 5.

Much appreciated.

I’ve used the SS2 to trigger basic pickup machine functions and to switch from track to track.

The MIDI mappings for OT functions are on Page C1f the manual. Make sure the SS2 is sending the correct MIDI note number values, and is on the correct MIDI channel. Make sure the OT is receiving on the correct MIDI channel too. Mine defaulted to receive on channel 11.

I used Softstep Basic Editor to set the the MIDI note number values for SS2 to send. I had trouble with it connecting properly to the SS2 until I realized the USB cable was too long for my computer - an iMac.

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I don’t have a SoftStep.

The OT can change patterns when it receives MIDI Program Change messages. To enable that, enable PROG CH RECEIVE in the OT’s PROJECT > MIDI > SYNC menu. In that menu, note the value of the CHANNEL setting. See pages 42 & 43 of the manual.

The SoftStep can send MIDI Program Change messages. There is a factory preset called “PRGM” that sends such messages on MIDI channel 1. See pages 19 and 70 of the manual.

Unfortunately there is no dedicated MIDI command on the OT for select next or previous pattern, but you can probably create a suitable behaviour in the SoftStep’s advanced editor.



Hey, did you ever get this working? I’m having a helluva time running the SS2 through iConnect Midi4+ into OT.

i’m just trying to use the SS2 for pickup machine on/off.

Also curious, if any one else is reading this:

Say I’m sending midi note 61 (for record inAB) and 62 (for record inCD) …

…Once I get this working… foot pedal sends note 61 to enable recording inAB. will i then have to send note 62 (record inCD) to stop the recording buffer from going into overdub? or does this just activate another recording from inCD? it would seem so, as this is the button one would push… but the CC messages have me confused. Is the CC message the same as pushing the physical button?

ooooh, make the brain pain stop

adding to my previous post here:

I figured out that CC was not what I wanted to be sending to the OT via SS2, and was, in fact, supposed to be midi notes instead of CCs.

Cool. Got functionality.

The OT is still acting crazy, though, and the foot pedal (midi note 60) works to activate the recording of my pickup machine on T1, but if I navigate away from T1 to another track to once again record via midi note 60, the OT jumps back to T1 for no apparent reason.

Auto channel and SS2 are both set to channel 11.

Anybody got any clues?

Hey! I want to buy a SoftStep so I can do live looping with the OT. Do I need any other pieces of equipment to do this or can I just plug the SoftStep directly into the OT using USB?

You’ll at least need the KMI MIDI expander, plus relevant cables. You’ll also need a computer to program the Soft Step.

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