Kiwitechnics patch editor for Analog Four / Analog Keys

Kiwitechnics would like to make the patch editor work with Analog Four/Analog Keys
They have will use my A4 to create the patch–I have a question for you experienced users

“There are a lot of commands that I will not have room to include but I will look at putting in the most common. Maybe if you compile a list of the ones you would most like to see and on which knobs it would help.”
user manual here
[User Manual Download]( User Manual v5_0.pdf)

im not qualified enough to give Kiwitechnics the best answer so over to you

cheers David

Access to both filter cutoff and resonance controls would be useful. Filter 1+2 simultaneously would be even better, but not essential.

Having the standard K-editor layout could be a good alternative to the A4’s endless encoders.

Otherwise will have to give this some thought. About to upgrade my JX-3P so will probably be getting one of these.

Nice one Dave. Kiwitechnic’s stuff is totally on point. I got the first Polysix upgrade off of him.

Now, all you need do is sell me that Pro One…
