Kits Not Saving

Hello All,

I’m still pretty noob to the A4 and the Elektron way. So maybe it’s user error but my saved kits seem to be disappearing. After not using the A4 for a few days I turn it on and when proceeding to load a kit my saved kits are gone - the list of kits is empty. I have saved multiple ‘Projects’ and those are not disappearing.

My A4 is plugged into a power strip which gets turned off between sessions… could this be the problem? Seems crazy.

Thanks for any input!

That shouldn’t happen. You should be able to completely unplug the unit and keep everything.

Are the factory kits there? Do you save your kits in a separate bank?

The Factory Kits are not in the list - it is just 128 empty slots. To be honest the only time I’ve seen different banks is when I did some sysex dumps. So maybe I am missing something info on soundbanks? Can you navigate to different banks? Sounds like I need to have another look in the manual.

Appreciate the Help!

I might be confusing saving sounds and kits so maybe I’m not being much help.

Ah,well appreciated anyhow!

This has been the most confusing part of the A4 for me… the workflow has been making more and more sense and I love the sound of this box plus the sequencing - this is what I have been looking for, however, the file structure is pretty confusing.

Maybe I overwrote the kits when I imported the various Elektron sound set downloads and the Darenager drum sounds?


hey, dont get me wrong here … noob mistake that I was cought in for weeks ( !!! ) after getting the A4

pool vs +drive

pool 128 sounds (plockable)


+drive (multiple banks trig buttons 1-16)

when installing sysex sound files to the A4 check in the setup global that they go into banks … not just pool … i couldnt get that working, so at a time i copied max 128 sounds to pool from PC, then i copied those sounds from pool into +drive banks

search the froum, i had a thread

According to the A4 manual, Projects contain the kits that have been saved with them, including the sounds in the kits. As far as I know those sounds and kits are only available to that project, unless they are saved on the plus drive individually. At least that’s what the manual suggests. I would look through all your projects and see if the sounds your looking for are saved in them.

TrabanT: Thanks much for your feedback - it has sent me in a good direction to figure this out! I too did sysex dump to the sound pool and had to manually move it to the + drive. I am still confused as to how this system works but am making progress.

R7: Immediately upon getting home from work I did as you suggested… opened up earlier projects and tried to load kits from them… most of them have an empty kit list but one older one had the kit that I had saved that had “disappeared”. Thanks for the suggestion!

So it seems that if I want to save kits and have them always available to load they must be saved to the +drive? How is this done?

Thanx Again! I owe you all some beers!!!

Your welcome continuous, glad I could help. Now beer me please. :slight_smile:

If you read the manual there is a diagram of the file system structure. Looks like Projects contain everything that is not stored on the +drive. So whatever you want available system wide you’d have to put on the +drive first. I don’t think you can save kits to the +drive, and if you can I’d love to know how. What your going to have to do is save each individual sound in the kits. Function+sound on the mini keyboard, sound manager, press right on the direction buttons, select copy to, then yes/save button, then select +drive.