Having a lot of musical toys around, my kids (7 and 10) got really interested in the Elektron instruments and have started to learn how to use them. They catch up pretty fast, and for this Christmas they decided to program, record & sing an own version of the Swedish Christmas classic “Mer Jul” by the synthpop duo Adolphson & Falk. I helped out when they needed, but most of it is done by themselves using an Analog Four and a Machinedrum.
It is interesting to watch how quickly they understand the concept of the Elektron instruments, navigating through the menus and buttons. Some day I might teach them about parameter locks
Thanks Here’s the original btw (done in the 80s with monophonic synths/drum machine so it is quite compatible with the Elektron gear): http://open.spotify.com/track/6UbwfQeAEzhnolDwXiPowY
Anyone else having their kids play with the Elektrons?
Haha, this is brilliant, man! Your kids should start a band. BTW - what is it with you Swedish people and synthpop? It’s like you just naturally take to that stuff and pretty much always make it sound awesome. Been listening to your kids’s track a few times now, really enjoy it!