Keystep Pro > Digitone: Will it record trigs / parameter changes?

Some simple naming convention for projects at the device level would be great. If I go for a few weeks and come back to it, I’m all screwed up. Hopefully they add something in there.

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Definitely! Being able to name projects and patterns would be amazing.
I end up using it as a sketch pad most of the time because of this, I always come back to random projects and patterns and try to guess what I’d been doing… :joy:

Hopefully the new v2 KSP firmware update will address this.

This gets my :+1:

There is no slide on the DN.

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I just looked up the DN manual (page 89) and apparently the ONLY thing not covered by CC control is Ratio Offsets. That’s pretty extensive.

Needless to say, I’m now trying to justify to myself spending £300 on a Keystep Pro!

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Thank you for answering the question!

It’s confusing, one or 7 guys say it has param-slide, and one or 13 say no it doesn’t. I couldn’t find it in the manual; I would miss this from Monomachine.

Cheers! :beer: :beers: :beer: :beers: :beer: :beers:

So without the slide option, do you think sweeping the DN filter (for example) on the keystep pro in a 16 bar pattern would sound ‘steppy’?