Kb Fold and scale resets at pattern clear, why?

Hi, just noticed that if I record a pattern, and I have scale and kb fold on, and if I make an error or dont like what I played and clear the pattern, DT also clears the scale and kb fold.

I saw that the kb fold was on the last corrected bugs list, so it is intentional; but I do not really understand why it should happen? Not really userfriendly as it is.

…the pattern contains all relevant settings that specifiy the content and overall information of that particular pattern…that includes individual soundseletions and scalesettings…

if u wanna erase something, clear dedicated tracks, but not the whole pattern…
clearing the whole pattern gets u always back to default settings…

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Yeah, I actually realized it almost straight after. I need to change my workflow a bit, but I think I can handle that :slight_smile: