JValer - Grit [ Roland Jupiter 8 + Elektron MD ]


90% of Grit is Machinedrum and Jupiter 8, with a few prerecorded-field samples thrown in.

It was arranged, mixed and produced in Ableton.

This version has been mastered, although the differences between this and the premaster are fairly inaudible (just a few db of additional loudness).

Yes, it’s possible to produce loud and punchy sounds on the MD with limited external processing. Back when I started this track I spent a Month working on Kick Drum and Snare design :-).

Also, it’s my birthday. Enjoy.


  • J
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Release-worthy stuff, Justin! Whatever you learned from your labors paid off.

Nice track - and happy birthday!

Hey man,
Do you think you can check you link? I can’t seem to open it, tried a few times.

Happy Birthday dude!!!

welcome back
great track, lush
now let me come and sample that Jupiter 8 beast!!!

The techno love child of Gustav Holst…stunning . What a gift to bring on your return. Thanks.

Omg Joooooopiter ATEEEEE.

=) Really pro track man.

Damnit!!! why isn’t the link working for me. Is this a private track!?

Fantastic production on this – great punch and warm sound. Some nice unexpected surprises thrown in too. Cool.


Its the first track in the list.

@Duplex, thanks for the link.
@ JValer, beautiful rich sounds:)

right at the 3:50 mark really hit me, awesome job it all sounds really well together.

edit: the ending felt a little abrupt is my only crit.

Wow really nice, love the atmosphere. The MD sounds very good too, nothing like when I had it :slight_smile: (Or are those samples in the UW version?) And the jupiter, breathtaking… no wonder alot of people say it’s the best synth ever.

Thanks for the kind words everyone :slight_smile:

The Kick and Snare were MD internal synthesis, with no external processing. LFOs are used for the added punch.

There’s a small amount of ambient reverb on the drum bus to jell the MD with the rest of the track.

I used a UW sample for the high hats.

Many of the build transitions were done on the MD.

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