Just purchased from GC. how long will it be on backorder?

hi all. i currently own some other gear, Tempest, A4, Tetra, Blofeld, etc. I recently purchased an MPC in hopes of it taking place of the maschine (with techno in mind) but it just really wasn’t working out as i had planned. the MPC was just too clunky. i constantly found myself having to go to the internet and forums just to look up simple operations. JJOS didn’t really make things much easier. i was able to get around all of my other gear pretty quickly after i first picked them up. I knew pretty early on that the MPC wasn’t going to be a good fit. Long story short – I returned the MPC before my 30 days were up and purchased an Octatrack. I have no problems with, and prefer rolling my sleeves up and getting down and dirty, figuring out how this box rips it up. I feel confident that it will fit in with what i already have, and with the way that i like to work. Anyways, I ordered the OT from Guitar Center, even though i try to avoid that place for the most part. They did give me 10% off, BUT I got banged with the tax. They told me that i was on backorder and once they receive them and ship, it won’t be until April 7th. I tried every other place that i could find online to try to find an OT before trying GC. Does anyone here know how long the have been on backorder? and what the chances are that GC will actually receive them and have it shipped to me by or near the 7th? Or does anyone know of any store that might have one in stock? I can still cancel my order with GC since they won’t charge me until it ships. I’m even open to buying a used OT if anyone knows of a store that has one. I bought my A4 used from BH photo video and other than the bit of a language barrier I had with the fella on the phone, all went well. lol. I’ve had bad luck with purchases of gear that was on backorder in the past, like my Blofeld from zzounds. I paid for that in December and was told it would be in and shipping any day. then was told Feb 2nd that date came and went, just for sh*ts and giggles I still go on zzounds and check and the still say “coming soon” I ended up buying an open box Blofeld. I don’t want to run into this issue with the OT. Maybe someone here is tied directly to Elektron? or has some insight on how long I’ll be waiting to get my OT?? Thanks Ya’ll.

here’s some stuff i got on soundcloud btw.

I have 2 friends currently waiting on back order from 2 different retailers. They were also told 4/6 as expected ship date. Looks like it’s pretty much the same across the board.

Worth the wait. Trust me.

Thanks bro. That will give me some time to dig into the manual a little. I just don’t want to find myself two moths from now waiting for a ship date still. I know they’re busy with the AK and AR at the moment, but an order is an order. I’m sure it IS worth the wait. definitely looking forward to freq’n that thang.

I’ve been waiting for my AK since 12/18. Expected arrival at sweetwater is 3/31.

I know how it feels man. Get busy with the manual. Heh.

you are one patient motherf#####.

I’ve been waiting for mine since the second week of January :frowning:

The last ship date I’d heard was March 27th…so then figure another week until resellers can get them and ship them out.

do you think that date will be accurate? or will it be like the blofeld and we won’t get them until sometime end of summer?

I’ve been hearing “2 weeks” for so long that I’m not getting my hopes up until I have a tracking number from my place of purchase.

But if it is much longer than that, I’m going to get a refund and use the money to fly to Sweden and camp at the Elektron offices until they give me my long overdue Octatrack.

If you can’t wait, you’re best off looking for a used one.

yes, i’m still keeping my eyes open for a used one while i’m waiting. i know if someone was dying to fork over 1200$ to me, i would be one bob the building fool. i’d be scared something else may catch their eye and they might snap that up instead.

I recently ordered one from Novamusik, and their website recently updated to 4/7 as well. For what it’s worth…

So, it is 4/7. What’s the word?

searched around,
musicians friend just updated to 04/17
i’ve been waiting 3 weeks…
not long in comparison…
but damn this is painful…

Try Chuck Levin’s Music (in the DC area) for an OT. They ship and if it’s out-of-state, there should be no sales tax. I have been shopping there for a long time and the synth department has always been solid. Their website is old school as they are one of the last of the large family-owned gear stores. So you have to call them basically to check inventory. But they are an Elektron distributor and should have OTs.

A blemished one popped up on GC about a week ago. i cancelled my original order and snapped that one up real quick. saved a few dollars and got a brand new mint machine with original warranty and everything. i inspected the unit with a sharp eye, and the only thing i could find is what looks like an eyelash or arm hair under the LCD screen in the lower corner. hardly noticeable. I can definitely live with that. In my experience with orders that are on backorder, the units aren’t going to ship until you either forget about them, or right after you get your refund and buy something else (like the Tanzbar I was eying up). That was why I jumped on the blemished unit even though the original April 7 ship date was only a few days away. I looked on GC website today just for shits and giggles and see that now the ship date is pushed back to April 14. Basically, they have no idea when they will ship. I suggest trying to contact Elektron directly, or their main US distributor, or main distributor in your country and tell them that you already paid for the unit and want to know when you are going to have it. And if they can’t give you a straight answer - fuck em, and spend your money on something else. Lots of other kool hardware out there for 1300$. Also, used OT’s pop up often, and for much cheaper. Never beg anyone to take YOUR money bruh.

Jeez…I ordered mine from Elektron and got it on the 23rd of December. Did you get it yet?? That’s a long time to wait…

Jeez…I ordered mine from Elektron and got it on the 23rd of December. Did you get it yet?? That’s a long time to wait…[/quote]
Oh yeah. I ended up canceling my sweetwater order and ordered via hq. Showed up in 2 days and then my canceled one from sweetwater showed up 2 days later. Heh

It looks like GC and Musician’s Friend have now updated their expected date to the week of 4/21…can Elektron actually chime in and give a realistic ETA at this point, since it looks like all anybody else can do is keep bumping their received date week by week? I’ve been hearing “2 weeks” and “any day now” for over three months. The last major update from Elektron was in the second week of February, stating that it would be another 5-6 weeks…come on guys, nobody likes to be stood up. A more detailed explanation or a firm date is not too much to expect at this point.

just received my pl-2’s from sweden…
got nothing to put em on!!
someday… someday…

All dates pushed back another week to 2…
What the shit is going on???
Hella bummed I’m stuck in this elektron sink hole…

5/1 now on Musician’s Friend.

It would be nice if Elektron would let us know what is going on. As far as I can tell, they have been unable to produce Octatracks at all this year due to a parts shortage or factory issue of some sort.