that song sounds really cool I have the mono machine and is thinking of getting the machine drum… that would be a perfect setup when you get yours we look forward to hearing one of your compositions
Congrats man, MNM is awesome beans
Read everything you can about it, there’s a lot under the hood that’s not immediately apparent!
Classic eg would be the FM envelopes, check the manual appendix, you’ll see!
Also the trig tracks are genius & the Arp wicked
I’ve owned my MNM for about eight months now, and I still haven’t lost that spark of excitement that you get with new gear. The more i use it, the more I realize how badass it is. Without question the most fun music making device I have ever used.
The good thing is that you already own some Elektron gear, so you’ll already have a grip on the sequencer and how kits and sounds are linked to patterns, etc. My first couple days with the MNM were basically just me reading the manual! There are a lot of features that the manual doesn’t mention, and other topics that the manual mentions but doesn’t explain how to use.
hey reggie rhampton …
before I got the MD UW + Drive new, i had the mk1 used from ebay for prox 500 euro, then i sold it and bought the mkii (not uw, not+drive) for like 850 euro. I sold it then, and bought the MD UW +drive.
but now I must say the +drive is probably 300 euro extra which I dont really need …
my recommendation, my 2ct, mho, i dont claim to be right …
get the gear first second hand, …, prices went down after the announcement of AR … so a mk1 you cold get for 500 euro probably if you are lucky.
do you want my md uw+ ? 3 month old
thanks for all the warm advice and info! … i hope the mnm ships with an instruction manual like the MD, … the A4 is harder to comprehend if you cannot hold a book in your hand, i think…
5 more days … then she is mine… how do I go about the inputs? like, which machine to plug in which input?
darn, do I need a mixer?
where do I put the KP3
1=A4 2=MD 3=MNM
are there more possibilities? all this thinking and looking at numbers is making my eyes go watery.
Your gonna have some real Sonic Power with that setup. i had the A4 when i was inexperienced and i sold it…then got a the BKE Beat Thang and too make bugs, so i returned it and just recently got a MonoMachine MKII - + drive…i absolutely love it…took me a week to get used to things…i only had mine 3 weeks now…did my 1st song and uploaded it to youtube…it’s ok…it’s just a basic melody…Nothing special,but if you didn’t hear it already, here’s a Link below…I hope you don’t find it too boring…lol… i plan on doing a Video Game style Music on my Next Upload…
Good luck with yours and if i can swing some Funds soon i’ll take you up on that MD…lol…
a mixer would definitively help you out unless you want a ‘closed circuit’ kind of setup,either way it’s going to be fun.
not an easy one though 'cos each machine has some good effects as well as the audio input
Thanks. Trying to work on another song. One thing i do notice about the MnM is the Drums section are not that Deep and rich in it’s Texture. the Arp and Sync work great but i for some reason dont hear any Depth to the bass drum. maybe i still have to tweek more…
have any found that to be true in your case? Week drums in Depth?
the bbox on the MnM is not bad actually if you tweak it the right way. you can’t get to where the MD would take you (well…) but having said that, spend more time creating the sounds you need, they’re there waiting for you to be discovered
I think of the drums on the MNM as either a simple rhythm sketch pad, or as something to be smashed to pieces until it becomes something else. The drum sounds as they are don’t really do much for me, but they can be made into some really cool textures.
One great thing about the MNM is that you can view the machine as an all-in-one jam box, or as a deeply layered synth that can have up to six voices combined to create one huge sound. Once I started layering sounds to create one or two huge sounds, I started thinking of the MNM less as a jam box, and more of a super-synth.
Keep in mind that with the Mono, you don’t necessarily HAVE to use the “BBOX” for drums.
Almost every synthesis method on the MnM can pull off at least one type of percussive sound, although some are more efficient than others.
The GND Noise machine is perhaps the most versatile; it can easily make Hi-Hats and Snares. They can often share the same Track since it’s easy to take a Hi-Hat and Parameter lock the decay length and filter setting a bit and make it a Snare hit. Kicks are a little harder due to the Filter envelopes being Attack and Decay only with no conventional way to give them a “zero sustain” setting to reach. However, you can set an LFO to the Filter with the “I. Exp.” wave to make up for this.
The Sine can actually give you some really, really heavy kicks. Just roll back the Amp. Decay and play a low note and you’re set. You can also set an LFO to ramp a higher pitch down if you’d like that old school “beowMM” style kick.
So as you can see, there’s tons of options to consider! Just keep in mind that most the highly regarded drum machines (TR-808, particularly) used pretty simple synthesis to create their sounds & for the most part, all of those methods are available in the Monomachine in one form or another. For example, an 808 Snare is (I believe) a mix of Triangle wave and some Noise; if you want to go that extra mile, you could use a SID Triangle on one track and Noise on another and Trig them both at the same time to get that mix (or use two SIDS since the Noise on there is ‘pitched’ and give you a bit more control).
Of course, using two tracks on the mono just for a Snare is a bit excessive, in my opinion, but it’s better to have that option than to not, also in my opinion!
FM of course does all sorts of metallic sounds, although it’s a bit harder to dial in exactly what you might want. That’d be almost a whole different topic, but I wouldn’t mind getting some tips because it’s something I haven’t explored much!
Wow, you really know your stuff here…Thanks for sharing…i’m sure the guy purchasing his who started this Thread will also appreciate this.
i tried some of your suggestions particularly on the Hit Hats and it was pretty cool…i could not get the Bass Drum to work as of yet…lol…i need more time at the Knobs i guess…i’m really trying to focus more on Drums because i don’t use a lot of gear…i have an External Synth that i use to Ad to the Mix…Putting my DSI MoPho aside now and now focusing on my newly purchased Roland SH-32 Desktop Synth…Between MonoMachine and the SH-32, i hope to come up with something worthwhile listening too…lol
it has been delivered with a smudge IN the display. looks like it is on the screen in the pic, but it is inside the display, like a dolphin in a dive, all curved and it has a fin.
i ordered it from woodbrass , it is a french retailer… was the cheapest I could find it in europe, only 1 unit left, they promised me twice it was an untouched mnm straight from the warehouse.