Hi, I am the owner of an Analog Four and have a question about the “joystick” of the AK. Or rather, a question to the joystick of a Novation Remote SL MIDI / Master Keys.
When I work with the Joystick of the Novation Remote 25SL and my A4, can I take then the same results as with the Joystick of the Analog Keys?
The movements of the joystick can not currently(!) recorded by the internal sequencer of the AK (and of couse the A4). This has obviously been often criticized in forums.
So would it be better to work with the joystick of a Novation Remote SL and my A4? The joystick from the Novation Remote SL would have to send midi data out. Right?
Bumping this. I’ve got a 37SL and the joystick on the AK is one of the main things that has been swaying me towards it over the A4. The thing that appeals to me about the joystick is being able to use it for CV control with Eurorack. I haven’t gotten into euro yet, but I’ve got visions of modulating wavetables in the Morphing Terrarium via the AK. Can the same type of control be accomplished via a controller like the Novation? I’m currently poking around the manual to find some type of insight, but haven’t found anything yet.
The Novation is highly configurable, but it’s probably not AFAIK possible to mimic the exact arrangement of the AK cc/PB
The AK sends MW or Breath Ctrl when you go forwards or backwards (or vice versa, can’t remember) so it’s different North and South
East West is pitch bend
But tbh, given that the novation has a joystick that can be centred in two different ways and has a touchpad that can ‘spring back’ or latch I think it offers much more real world control power, partly because it is NOT fixed to be assigned to those controls
pretty much all the CV controls can be assigned to MW/Breath/Pitchbend/Aftertouch/vel so it’s easy to get creative in that regard, so i’d say whilst you can’t possibly do exactly the same as teh AK joystick layout you can exceed it, and from memory on touchpad for example you can layer two commands, just not sure it’d let you define splits like ak joystick - I have the 25key original one, it’s quite chunky when desktop space is short
I can totally see you also …envision you in that realm of modulating wavetables with joysticks in siiiick modular ways…
.anybody else in here sharing the vision of Accent and his modular joystick modulation abyss`?[/quote]
Actually, as it turns out I met Paul Schreiber of Synthesis Technology purely by accident a few years ago, when he came in to my job to get some things made for his business. I had no idea who he was at the time, but he gave me his info and said I could contact him if I had questions about modular (mind you, his first bit of advice was that I sell my MDUW and Monomachine and start wiggling). Thinking I might contact him and see if I can test out my vision first hand, since he did create the thing.
The Novation is highly configurable, but it’s probably not AFAIK possible to mimic the exact arrangement of the AK cc/PB
The AK sends MW or Breath Ctrl when you go forwards or backwards (or vice versa, can’t remember) so it’s different North and South
East West is pitch bend
But tbh, given that the novation has a joystick that can be centred in two different ways and has a touchpad that can ‘spring back’ or latch I think it offers much more real world control power, partly because it is NOT fixed to be assigned to those controls
pretty much all the CV controls can be assigned to MW/Breath/Pitchbend/Aftertouch/vel so it’s easy to get creative in that regard, so i’d say whilst you can’t possibly do exactly the same as teh AK joystick layout you can exceed it, and from memory on touchpad for example you can layer two commands, just not sure it’d let you define splits like ak joystick - I have the 25key original one, it’s quite chunky when desktop space is short
You bring up a valid point about it not being exact because of the breath control, but my plan was to use the touchpad, as you mentioned. I think you can actually assign the touchpad to four different zones, but in my experience that can be fairly clunky and cumbersome to set up, so a single X/Y is fine.
I did finally find the section addressing the MW/PB/Breath control assignment in the manual, so my questions have been addressed. The AK definitely has some advantages, but I’d really prefer to have fewer keyboards around, so since there’s no real significant loss in functionality with the Novation, the A4 may be more ideal for me after all.