The quadrinity club! Got them all, having sold off a Nord 2 and a Waldorf XT. And I don’t think I will regret it - I was a bit sceptical of the A4 for a long time, wasn’t convinced of the sound demos I heard (it was a Dataline demo a few weeks back that got me intrigued) - this thing is freaking amazing! Like an analog Monomachine (sort of), and how can that not be the best thing since sliced bread? Wow. I’m blown away.
Just wanted to share. I think I’ll try to just stop buying other kinds of gear, and only save up for whenever Elektron releases new stuff! “We make magical instruments” - yes indeed!
I have had extra-good fun sending the cue outs of the OT to the A4 and the A4 outs into the OT. Set up a thru track or direct mix for the A4 and get some basic patterns going on both machines.
Now set one of the OT tracks to also sample the inputs from the A4 in short snippets, and do something weird to the sound, so it becomes like some new percussion thing. And set the A4 effects track to put some heavy effects on incoming audio.
Now send that OT track to the cue outputs and bingo, evolving strangeness…the first time I did this I started laughing like a maniac scientist while I was jamming because I was getting these sounds that were totally unpredictable and out of control but also perfectly in the pocket
Anigbrowl, that sounds like awesome fun, will have a play 2moro when i get back to my machines.
Love it when you hit a sweet spot & start laughing like a mad scientist only to turn around & see your girlfriend staring at you like you’re a complete tool!
Oh, Wolf, just created this instrument definition for the A4 for Cirklon. You probably have it mapped already, but just in case you haven’t, check it out;
Fortunately my distractions usually consist of my wife bumping into me because she’s dancing. Our first date almost 10 years ago consisted of me taking her out for lunch and then back to my room while I sat there mumbling and twiddling knobs on my audio gear (Yamaha RM1x and Emu Audity 2000, to be specific). Inexplicably, she found this endearing.