Hey guys, I wasn’t sure on which forum to post this on. It’s my first visit to the new board. Are people already migrated or is the old one still the place to be?
Anyways, this is my first new jam in quite a while.
And, shame on me, no Elektron gear was used to create it. Since I got Ableton Push I spent some time with it to set up a suitable workflow. This tune is the first result of it. Besides the computer only some FX pedals where used. Hope you enjoy it.
A soundcloud player within the thread!!! A dream comes true. Love this place already 
nice work as always, regardless of the lack of Elektron 'ware!
Thanks guys. Very stoked you enjoy Pillows. It’s the first time I’m actually having fun making music with the computer. Now that everything is set up, I will integrate my hardware, especially the Octatrack. Missed it a lot.
Besides the obvious benefits of the Octatrack, I realized how essential the OT’s filter is to my sound. It’s just so useful in many ways. And can go from gently to grimy easily.
Sounds good, man! Loved the EP/LP you released last year as well. Very nice sounding stuff. 
enjoying it as well. Well done.
Thanks so much for the kind words, guys. I hope that I can come up with another proper release this year.