Jamuary 2020 - any plans?

Learning how to use the live sampling features of the Deluge, we recorded this sad melody, with the help of some Logic synthy strings.


Second jam on the third day:


My ominous left-field experiments continue with a couple of jams starring Make Noise tElharmonic and the Octatrack.

https://hemmelig-fin.bandcamp.com/track/jamuary2020-03 (solo tElharmonic)
https://hemmelig-fin.bandcamp.com/track/jamuary2020-02 (a tediously long jam with some A4 and DFAM thrown in there for good measure as well)

Jammed out on a project I needed to keep working on (IndustrialTrap?):

I use the AED view as a kind of screen saver. Last thing I want is burn in :upside_down_face:

Jammed out on a project I made the 2nd day of getting the OT (Chillhouse):


My first Jamuary post. I was hoping to get something up with hardware but had a tough time setting that up. This was equally as difficult but anyway it’s my second or third go at a Pure Data patch. Some audio issues, and not 100% happy with the results, but it’s up.

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Some really interesting sounds! I’ve always wanted to feed application logs into something like that…

Like: “system sounds healthy to me!” Instead of having to look :joy:

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Thanks. Eventually what I’d like to do is have something like this feeding midi to the OT or Nord Modular, maybe process audio, maybe process midi, but it was a fun experiment that was more or less what I was aiming for.

At worst something like this might be good sample fodder for the OT if I can get multitrack recording to work properly.

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I would absolutely guarantee time stretching most of that would sound fantastic!

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And I’d do it in 16-Bit just because I can.

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Short jam on the iPad on day three:


Patch notes:
Hacked apart drum sample on the Octrack, driving a custom zoia synth which is fed back into the Octrack. Melody is minibrute into the empress reverb, fully wet.


Uhh seems I got a 2nd Jam today.

Jamuary 3.5:

And extended version on SoundCloud:


These jams are all fantastic!

Here’s my day 3.

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Terrible insomnia tonight/this morning, so I started a new Pure Data patch and got much better results compared to my first go. Still needs some work to include and automate pattern changes, but overall I’m much happier with the sound and direction.

I was able to multitrack on a different version of this patch, so those stems may make it onto the Octatrack soon. Hopefully I’ll be able to get a hardware recording done for Jamuary, but for now these Pure Data experiments are a lot of fun.

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A shoegaze beardless piece. I was playing around with some chords and figured out what sounded good to me. Played them in the OB6 and did a solo on the Sub37. Added some backing with midi instruments.

Heart felt and mellow :blush:

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Another quiet reflexive piano song using the Deluge looper. This time we used the built-in mic from the Deluge to record the Kawai CX-9 upright piano.


Very fast OP-Z solo jam for day 4, hiphop-isch I would say with a “funny” sample. More time tomorrow.


Did this mamajama tonight with DN and Virus.


Mix levels aren’t great. 10 mins of effort. Just doing whatever I could to get a jam in before I fall asleep:

It’s ok if it’s not great :joy:

Nature of the jam when pressed with time…

Last nights 3.5 jam was more fun :stuck_out_tongue:


If this is how you sound sick… :ok_hand:t5:

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