I've finally put some AR stuff online (EDIT: Live act online!)

I have been very busy since the AR came to practice for a live act on sunday with my good friend SB-SIX. We are developing both different theme’s (consisting of multiple patterns in AR, Octatrack, A4 and again an AR). The whole idea is to improvise the whole show in a battle style. We will take over the theme’s from one another like a Dj would mix tracks. We haven’t had time to practice together, so that will be a fun experience. Anyhow, I managed to record three theme’s and put them on soundcloud for you to enjoy. They are far from perfect, but good enough to get an idea of where it’s going. If all goes according to plan we will post the live act itself afterwards.


UPDATE (22-6-2014):

Here is the result:


good stuff, as always :slight_smile:

Crisp sound, really punchy. Love that first track especially.

^ditto really like the first track a lot!

Cool stuff dude(s).


:slight_smile: Thanks guys :slight_smile:

To clarify a little:
The three tracks are improvisations with just an AR with support from an OT. There is no mixing between me and SB-SIX. This will be done for the first time Sunday morning in a rehearsal and live Sunday afternoon. I used scenes on the AR and OT which are the best and most powerful features. The only thing I’m struggling with are fills. I tried using scenes on the AR to switch the volume of extra triggs (which works great by the way), but that’s still a lot of work and planning. I guess creating variations on patterns and switch between them with direct jump will yield the best results, but I’m short in time so I had to park that idea.

Thanks again for listening and giving comments!


Smooth transitions…Nice work…

off topic…but would be nice if scenes allowed you to change synth machines…or maybe they do and I just haven’t figured it out yet :wink:

Good, funky stuff! Dig the 2nd track most.

Great stuff, the 3th has the drive needed for good party, I would really like to attend this event!

I really like the 3rd part or track. That really is some great stuff!!

I played on the car stereo this morning great tracks and the low end on the AR really kicks !!!

:+1: :+1:

Thanks for all the nice words guys. I must admit the mastering on these samples is horrible since I just the recorded stereo output without proper mixing and then boosted it with a couple of plugins to get the levels straight. I will post some better recordings later on, because this these Elektron’s can sound awesome and so they should! :imp:

You’re right about that. I have a real time analyser in front of me on my desk to check the frequency responses while mixing and EQ-ing. The AR has the biggest and baddest low end of all my gear. It’s massive!!! :rage:

These are all really great! #3 shows just how much you can do with just the AR alone.

Thanks for sharing, even though you’ve made my AR lust that much worse!

it’s a good thing they called it “Rytm” instead of something specific to drums because I concur, the low-end is punchy and huge

…and I have it sitting next to a moog minitaur so it isn’t like it is being compared to something wimpy :slight_smile:

That’s high praise indeed!

cool stuff !

That’s high praise indeed![/quote]
Keeping in mind that I didn’t say that the AR beat the minitaur in that department…,just that I was comparing it to that…my minitaur won’t be going anywhere heheh…even if I pick up a sub37 the minitaur will still have a place on the table…it is a great synth at what it was designed for and takes up very little room.