Issue with OT skipping the start of audio stems

Just trying to remove all variables.

yes, and it is all alright with the new project, but it seems it is just a matter of a time when things get messed up again : (

So, then it must be some super obvious setting that you have overlooked. This has happened to me a few times… Someone on here will figure it out…or you will. Head hit’s palm of hand. :wink:

On the step sequence of the track, is there any automation?

I really hope!

nope, no automation

omg, I figured out the problem… it is truly so obvious, it is silly. I’m writing a longer conclusion now

There are so many things to check…

It’s always super obvious :slight_smile:

THANKS for a recommendation to set it in chromatic mode… !

No problem. So glad you got through that. I know how it feels

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Ok… (facepalm) the problem was twisted start knob to value 2, so this was a reason why OT was playing stem from incoherent position. It is impossible to see that kind of value change if you look at it in a “knob mode”. I could notice that change only when I switched to chromatic setting, because it shows numeric values.

Well… here it is. What can I learn from this. OT is awesome, but also very complex beast. Just one accidental knob move and you are into bad place especially when your *ss is on fire before performance.

I hope it will never happen to you guys, thanks, take care!


Yes. Knobs are very easily wacked out of position. Happens all the time. I now proceed to clear the pages one by one when debugging a WTF moment.

Glad you found the root cause!

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Save part before > Reload

Not 100% failsafe!

In any other mode than “track mode” the values are displayed numerically

Yeah that was my next question… Did you clear all the pages? But, it’s better that you found out what was the mistake, so that you learn from it… Lot’s more learning to go.