Issue with A4, Overbridge and Logic Pro X

First time setting up my A4 MKII Overbridge Plugin in Logic Pro X. Watched a couple videos that were helpful.

Issue is each track seems to get sent to Track 1 as well as the track it is from. Example image showing test recording:

Screen Shot 2021-08-30 at 8.27.49 PM

The top track is the FX. The next is Track 1, followed by T2, T3, T4 and Ext In.

I set up and deleted the Logic project multiple times with the same result.

Any ideas on what I need to do to fix? Thanks.

You can see the T2, T3, T4 are also recorded on T1.

Never could get Logic to configure correctly. Was able to set up Live and it did not send T2-T4 back to T1.

Don’t know what the issue was.

But, given that there were other things about the setup, one being that I couldn’t use the EQ features in Heat (it is my audio interface), I decided to not use Overbridge at all.

Maybe later.

Have you seen this tutorial? I find it to be the best for Logic & Overbridge.

I’ve never experienced this problem.
What you think is T1 might be the mains out?

How did you route the busses? Which version of outs did you use for OB?
A detail explanation of your routing is necessary.
I could try the same routing and see if it happens (mk1 here but I think there’s no diff with OB)

I basically followed the tutorial listed right above your reply. Selected the 6 stereo channel option.

Did the same when setting up Digitone Keys. It worked fine.

I see.
Could you post a screenshot of the mixer (there’s one in the above thread) and then I’ll try with my mk1 the same settings

I’ve just tried and it works as expected with my A4 mk1.
Did you check that in your OB control panel all the inputs are selected?
Here is the project I’ve used. (279.4 KB)

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I’ll try your project in the morning. Appreciate you looking into this.

BTW: I did check the OB Control Panel earlier when I was working thru the problem and all looked fine.

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