Isolating a p-Locked sound

Hi there,
You know that, p-locking a sound, especially those with strange transients, on a trig, with another different sound on the next trig can sometimes render a good effect (the p-lock sound is stopped abruptly to let the next sound start, but the effects on the p-locked sound still continue).

Most of the time, I prefer to separate all audio sounds when exporting to my DAW to work on the mix down, so I also want to have this cropped p-locked sound separately.

…x x x Y x x x… : imagine this sequence, x being the track sound and Y the p-locked sound. In this case each 1/16th trig is populated.

How to get only Y, alone, with the same behavior as played with a following x cropping it ?

  • mute the following x : not working (Y is played longer obviously)
  • idem with 1/64 length for Y : not working as it should, sound is still played longer and does not have this cropped effect. Which in a sense should not be the case.
  • put VOL level of following x to 0 : working (may be stupid and obvious, but worked for me).


i keep loosing track of where my cool sounds come … final solution… record the audio into the daw and mix it from there after I cut it

X to 0 sounds right and it works!