Isn't the Analog Four the most incredible and deep instrument from Elektron so far?

Very nice! I like that mood a lot. Really shows the power of sound locks indeed.

How does it perform - lots of tinkering or straight to the point if you know your elektron gear?

I understand and thanks for the explanation; but what I meant and might not have expressed clearly is that I have no idea why I haven’t used sound locks, since they are essential.

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Yeah, I’ve never used it yet either. Time to experiment for everyone!

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Multi mapping?



On it.


ALL the Electrons offer something similar.

As I understand it, the Four (and Digitone?) have a Multi-Map feature that lets you assign Sounds to specific MIDI notes, so you can make a “proper” (as in sound per key/pad) drum machine with it.

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I meant that most of the synths don’t offer this kinda functionality.

Thanks! I have never before looked into this but the time has come for diving deeper with this device.

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Not the MD or MnM. Also, the OT can lock samples, but there isn’t anything like per-track “sound” or preset.

You can play sample slots from from keys tho’, right?

Got it, sorry for misunderstanding :relieved:


True, but again, it all the other settings of the track will be unchanged. Which is more useful in a lot of cases!

Also, related to that, and A4/AK-specific, multi map is awesome for this sort of thing. Maybe that’s what you were talking about originally - I thought this was more about sound locking.

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Some very nice tips and observations on this video:

The whole channel seems to be a total goldmine.


@Eaves is awesome.


Couldn’t agree more. I don’t understand how I’ve managed to miss this channel somehow.
Super inspiring stuff.


No problem; my fault for not expressing myself clearly enough.

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I will try to devote the next 6 months solely to learning the A4 starting today.

Constantly using different Electron boxes is fun but I feel like I’m not developing a proper muscle memory or deeper understanding of any of those, at least in the way I want to.

Not sure I can stick to it but I’ll try anyways.

I remember seeing a video here of a person who used only the AK for a long time and the idea is very inspiring.

It would be interesting to hear about other users experiences of similar attempts.

Maybe the rest of the year would make a bigger difference but I’m not sure I could do it.

edit: rest of the year it is.


Hello! :slightly_smiling_face:
Good to read you’re up for some extended A4 solo fun! You might already know, but I‘ve been doing this more or less since I bought my mk2. Almost 1.5 years and nowhere near the end!


I think this is a great idea. The Analog Four needs a bit more attention, because it’s so deep! But also the fact that it has 10 encoders can trip you up. All the other Elektrons have eight, or in the case of the OT, six. This makes me fumble sometimes when editing sounds, even after a couple of years experience with the A4.