Isn't the Analog Four the most incredible and deep instrument from Elektron so far?

Spot on.

I will do some comparisons when I get the time AK vs classic synths, but as already has been mentioned A4/AK can also do many sounds classic synths can’t.


I feel like the Pro 2 always gives me a similar sort of vibe but a faster workflow a bit more flexible as a synth also, but obviously it sounds quite different and is paraphonic. All this talk though has me wanting to have a session with my A4 soon.


All this talk is making me think my table of mono synths is taking up too much space, cables and cost too much. But I really like them…


With this demo Cenk convinced me to buy both the A4 and the AR.


Hmm, I just looked it up and it seems like you could hook up an Ipad via USB and send midi and Audio at the same time. Esentially upgrade the A4 with a digital Brain.

Is Anyone here using this setup or knows any good youtube videos?

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…my a4 was also sold to me by cenk in first place… :wink:

let’s see if elektron will ever find another guy that is capable of doing so for their future products…i hardly doubt it…


That’s really the main reason why my only synths are A4 and digitone. Multitimbrality.
Single dedicated mono and polysynths might sound better for specific tasks, but they‘d take up so much space, I‘d need a mixer instead of two USB cables, everything more complicated to handle…
These two almost take up no space, can do any task really, from drums, to mono, to poly, to fx to anything and I can get 8 different tracks out of them at once, without recording any audio.
Just super flexible. It’s just the package really. I would not buy it for its character alone


A4 is the only elektron I feel completely at home with.


Don’t forget, it’s 4 analog monosynths that can magically combine to Unison with detuned sub oscilators whenever you need.


Are you saying that in order to satisfy more people the init sound chosen by elektron should have been different?

Who wants a cool init sound when you can edit it in such depth…? I think that probably elektron choose such sound to see the first reaction from people when pressing the keyboard the first time and making that saw “beeeeeeep”.

I love the init sound as it currently is, as after some editing it usually turns into a killer one.

This synth is simply an incredible beast, but definitely demands time to be dedicated to it.

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That’s what I tried to say yes. Many users seem to be turned off by the init sound and the sound of the basic waveforms. They want a great saw from the get go, instead of turning the pulse width of a triangle in order to get a nice saw e.g. :slightly_smiling_face:


they are all amazing!

what happend between cenk and elektron?

There are incredible beastly synth without the need for time consuming “dedication”. And yeah, the init sound better be good to show the sonic character right away.

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This. After purchasing a Dominion 1 one back in 2016, my A4 sounded like a bad joke compared to the Dom. Sold the A4 for a good price and never looked back.

I really don’t get it. Init sound is just where you start, it’s an invitation to try and experiment . I mean , the init sound of the digitone is just basic sine wave, does it change anything about how awesome this synth can sound ?


Sure, but it gives you a fairly good impression of the core sound of the oscillators.

I’m about to buy an A4 (if any bastard ever buys my Pro 2).

I’m not interested in it because it has bags of character or sounds better than whatever. I’m interested because it’ll sequence and modulate my main monosynth (which eats character for breakfast), provide decent effects for whatever I want to put through it and has me covered for any and all bread and butter pads, bass lines and such I might need.

I can see that if you’re looking for a synth to be front and centre of your tracks, the A4 might not be the one, but sometimes a synth really shines when it can compliment the other gear around it, and I think that’s what Elektron have always been really good at.

Whatever though, I’ll probably hate it for some reason.


This afternoon I compared some waveforms from various synths: 100m, MS20m, JU06a, SH01a, AK, MC202, whilst they all sounded slightly different and accounting for things like the different filters being fully open but having different upper frequency roll off, there was not any definitive best one.

The AK in the tests held its own very well, the JU06 had a noticeable heft in the bottom end that none of the others did, probably due to eq added by the designers to make it sound more impressive, but this would be trivial to add externally, with eq, if desired on the others.

I did not spend too much time on the analysis, but I might do some more further tests when I get the time, because I found it quite interesting. However it is somewhat a moot point as it is possible to make decent sounds with any of them, and that is all that matters to me.


I have both the dom1 and A4. how do these two compare at all? The dom1 sounds incredible. But it simply cannot do what the A4 can do. It doesn’t even come close. But it’s of course a completely different type of synth. :slight_smile:

Sure if you are looking for a solid mono synth a big sound then d1, sub37 etc. Make more sense. If you’re looking for a poky synth to play pads etc. Then sure there a more interesting options.

A4 is not trying to be just that :slight_smile: