Isn't the Analog Four the most incredible and deep instrument from Elektron so far?

It’s a monomachine chopped in half and dipped in chocolate


I’ve been sleeping on the Analog Four because it always looked boring and seemed complicated to me. These are my impressions without spending time to research it. So i’m sure that i’m wrong as i see a lot of people praise it.
Could anybody here post one or two links of some interesting sounds or sequences? This would be very nice. I tried to find something but had no success so far. Thanks in advance!

No success because you looked at links and didn’t like them? Or because you couldn’t find links?

If the latter, there are lots of links in this thread of that people have posted because they thought they were interesting. If you go to the very top of the thread you can see a section called “popular links” that collects them in one place for you and ranks them by popularity. That would be a good place to start.

But if the former, you’ll probably have to say a little more about what you found, what you didn’t like about it, and what you’re looking for instead.


The problem is that if you type in “Analog Four interesting sounds” in youtube you might not find the real good ones. And somebody who knows the Analog Four a bit better than me might have one or two videos at hand that show off the potential of the Analog Four. Like i could post some good videos from the Digitone or the Model Samples right now because i know them quite well and watched tons of videos about them.
But thank you! I’ll try to find stuff in this thread.

And to be more exact, i’m looking for sounds that other synths can’t make.

I don’t know if this would please you, but everything synth in this track is A4 mk2 (not the samples obviously).

On this track, everything after 0:22 is A4 mk2 (first half is Monomachine):


Thank you! That’s more than interesting. :slight_smile: I’m impressed. Great stuff! It seems like one of its strengths is also how many different sounds it can make. I mostly heard bread and butter sounds from it which were cool but not really special. You got some very nice ones in there. The filter sounds quite good from what i hear. And i like the distorted sounds i hear in the first song and from other people’s tracks in here.

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Yes, I found they really nailed this distorsion compared to the mk1.

Right, with two filter stages and a multimode you can indeed get a lot of different flavors.
There are many precabled modulations (pitch, PWM, AM) besides the 2 LFOs (2 destinations both) so there’s a lot to explore…

I feel it rewards exploration a lot, but you have to accept to spend time on it, it’s not a Roland Boutique with immediate satisfaction.

Btw the two tracks are recorded in one live take, using the 4 tracks+FX track. I think I also used Direct Jump a bit on the first one.
That’s not something I can do on any other Analog synth, not mine at least.

Yeah, THE overlooked Elektron box IMO.


I had a spasm…

I had heard OP10Y before, what energy.

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I don’t know shit about synthesis but I find this guy’s videos interesting and the sounds amazing


I ordered one, for the third time (that’s my average number with Elektron machines…). This time I’ll try to focus and not try to incorporate it in a larger setup (except for the OT).


You all have inspired me yet again to not sell my A4 and give it some more love. Now it’s hooked back up as part of a modular station with 0-Coast and a Morphagene/Clouds rack. Back to designing drum sounds and experimenting with FX plocks. :slight_smile:


@no-thanks : The A4 is very usefull in a eurorack case. That permit focus on modules that are less oscillators, less cv or less gate, and more noisy things and stranges modules, then use them to replace A4 osc and have benefit of filter and fx. So with very little case, you can do lot.


0-coast, Morphagene and Clouds are very good examples of what your A4 needs.
I do the same with Arbarh, Rings, Beads and Scorn da bask :yum:


Yes! It has been very inspiring. On multiple occasions now I’ve just left the loop going in the background while doing other things too.

Check out any of @Eaves stuff on Youtube.


Same here, such as do a song on a different machine, in a different tempo, and let this animate the matrix so to speak.

Especially if the a4 parts are varied enough at midi and sound level, so that is far from sounding like a sample. Even if the variation is subtle, something gets solidified when this gets sampled. It is good to vary sample length and start time then to retain this free flow.
Makes me think of prime numbers or the sea: you don’t want resampling of waves.

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I just noticed there is a function in the filter and mod envs I’ve never even used.
In the lower left corner the “length” dial. Works in a bit weird way, a bit counter intuitive but it adds a nice movement to the sound.

Unfortunately it can’t be modulated but it can be parameter-locked which is nice.

So weird to think I’ve been able to completely miss it for nearly 3 years.


Still puzzled as to what it does but thanks for heads-up. Evaded my attention as well. Which other parameter exposes its effect?

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It’s weird. When the value is under 1 it makes the note ring kinda longer but as soon as it goes above it it gets kinda muffled.

I’m far from understanding it yet and too tired after work to dive into the manual.

Well, manual will not get into the esthetic side, but a valid point to check FM first thing.

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