Is there a way to save edited sound locks?

I’m wondering, if i lock a sound on a track and lock parameters how i could save that as a new preset.

- (void) saveSoundAtStep:(uint8_t)step 
	[A4Request requestWithKeys: @[@"pat.x", @"kit.x"]
                           options: A4RequestOptionsPatternsWithLockedSounds
		          delegate: nil
                 completionHandler: ^(NSDictionary *dict) {
	           A4Pattern *pattern = dict[@"pat.x"];
		   A4Kit *kit = dict[@"kit.x"];
		   A4Sound *sound = [kit soundAtTrack:track copy:NO];
                   A4Trig trig = 
                   [pattern trigAtStep:step inTrack:track];

		   if((trig.flags & A4TRIGFLAGS.TRIG) &&
                      (trig.soundLock != A4NULL))
		        sound = 
                        dict[[NSString stringWithFormat:
                        @"snd.%d", trig.soundLock]];

	           A4PVal locks[128];
	           uint8_t len = 0;
		       for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
			   [sound setParamValue:locks[i]];
                   sound.position = slot;
		   [sound send];
	        } errorHandler:^(NSError *err) {
		   DLog(@"today is a bad day because: %@", err);

read error b

Does this mean there’s a reverse engined A4 operating system?
If so, where does the project live?
Is it open source?
Is there also a reverse engined OT operating system?

I will flip my $#@! if you make this possible :joy:

that code works :]
just needs UI to select track & step

This has been a want of mine since day one. I just wish I knew how to utilize this code.

this is just the frontmost interface, won’t do much without the backing framework… stay tuned I say! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Is it also possible to include performance knob offsets that affect the track when you do the save operation?


Did this ever happen?

+Bump. Just placed an FR for Save Trig as Sound last week.

Nice 2600 avatar btw. :wink:

@void - Weren’t you working on an A4 app at some point?

Heh, yours too. I use Missile Command on another forum… :wink:

Back on topic:
Where’s that P-Lock Save?!?!

+Bump. Just placed an FR for Save Trig as Sound last week.

Nice 2600 avatar btw. :wink:

@void - Weren’t you working on an A4 app at some point?
yeas… still got the code floppoing around - I made a thing once which could do just this… no time though right now, other things in the pipeline :smiley:

Nice! That’ll do for now!