Hi all, recent owner of an A4 here and I’m wondering if anyone could help me out. I have googled, but can’t seem to find much info.
I want to upgrade and my A4 came with OS 1.05. Is it safe to go ahead and upgrade? The manual warns about upgrading from “the early startup menu”, but I’m not sure if it applies to OS 1.05.
If i need to go through the previous updates between 1.05 -> 1.1B - does anyone know where to get them? On the elektron site I can only find the new OS.
Cheers, and thanks alot for any help. Cant wait to get this going!
Mine did this. After about 15-20 mins (I got lost in a 303 + space echo jam while waiting) I started mashing buttons. Heh. It worked, and finished up properly. I did not have to reboot, but I know others have and all is fine.