Okay, so I know I can go in to studio mode and assign the 8 tracks to either the master output or the cue output then pan them left or right to achieve 4 outputs, which is all good in my studio because I have a 16 in and out soundcard. My friend however only has a 2 in and out card, and I’m using 8 tracks. So my idea was to record one track at a time making 8 passes.
I want to switch scenes, use the x fader, change parameters and mute/unmute tracks.
Logically, I figured if I connect the OT midi out to the cards midi in, create a midi track in live to receive midi from all ins and then record the midi transmited from the OT at the same time as the first audio track, if I then connected the cards midi output to the OT midi in and played back the midi file recorded in live when I made the next 7 passes, it would instruct the OT parameters in the same way I played them on the first pass. Accurately recreating my 1st pass and recording the other 7 tracks one by one.
Now I’m sure I managed this at home previously (only attempting 2 passes due to my multiple inputs) but when I tried it at my friends, it seems limited in the way it instructs the OT , am I attempting the impossible here or am I missing something?
I hope I’ve been clear in my explanation, thanks for your time
This is entirely possible. Some audio software will handle the recording and playback of MIDI CC’s differently, but the general concept is the same. A couple problems you may have to work around if using Ableton Live, Program Changes will not be recorded so to play back your pattern changes you would need to externally convert the PC messages to CC messages, record them and then translate them back to PC messages. Also Live is crippled to only playing back MIDI on one channel at a time so you will have to sort out all of your tracks and channels accordingly.
Something else to consider is that MIDI CC values will only be recorded once an initial value change has ocurred, so keep in mind that if playing back from a starting point of non default parameter values for the session, things may not sound right. I have asked Elektron HQ to have all current CC values sent when doing a part reload to circumnavigate this issue but so far no dice.