Model:Cycles tips, tricks or discussion

The original question posted was about Sysex for Model:cycles and if it could take Sysex from Digitone. Since that was answered pretty easily, (The answer is No) I figured I would use this thread for any other questions or tips for cycles if anyone comes across this and is interested.

I really the like usb capabilities for this, you can play audio into it as well. I have used the korg gadget app a few times, which essentially gives you complete midi control and unlimited instruments to accompany cycles. cool stuff!

No, sysex files can only be used for whichever machine they are made from/for.

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Thank you!

Hey hey !! been using elektron for a while , but am i the only one that with the Cycles , Saving patterns seems so werid … It happens so often that i think i have saved all patterns and project but when i re-open the machine nothing is there …
I do trigger it only with a DT … but saving patterns doesn’t save sounds ?
i wish i could save all at the end of sessions like on DT or OT … :sweat_smile: