Is it possible to change a tracks parameters including all soundlocks within that track?

I’ve gotten the A4 very recently and am still figuring certain things out, I’ll get to manual soon but I’d just quickly want to ask this here.

For example, having one track for with drum hits soundlocked to different steps, can I somehow change parameters for all soundlocks in that track? Filtering or FX for example.

When making drums I usually work in the order of putting down hits > putting p-locks for variation > put FX for the track.
This makes it so I have to individually put FX on each hit.

If I understand you correctly you’ve the following options.

  1. Live recording (press record then play [red record light flashes]): twist and twiddle filters, delay etc etc and it will automatically be added to your trigs.
  2. Step record (steady red record button): just change the filter or whatever you wish and the whole track will change in unison.
  3. Individual trig p-lock: press and hold a trig, twist and add what ever parameter change you wish to add it only to the trig being held.


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Thanks a bunch! Exactly what I was looking for

Kool! Put an LFO (or two) on steps or the whole track, set waveform to random to spice things up, hold a trig and set the probability of it playing to a % or your choice for more variation etc. Lovely synth, enjoy it … took me an age to really “get” it but I’m so glad I persevered.

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