Is flagging used fairly on here?

I mean this thread


Removals are what annoy me the most.
Iā€™d appreciate at least an explanation of why something was flagged/removed, and im not talking about the generic ā€œyour post was removedā€ general message you recieve when removed. If something gets removed of mine I usually donā€™t understand wtf for. Iā€™m not here to make enemies, and work hard to be empathetic, but it is annoying when a post of mine gets removed and I donā€™t understand why. It would be nice to have a dialog with the offended party so that I can at least apologize or at least see if my post is misconstrued. Feels shitty to have a post removed when itā€™s all in good fun. Feels like youā€™re whole character is being judged.


whats the problem now?

1 Like

Donā€™t be outrageous, that can be offensive :angry:

Whatā€™s a flag?
I only press those 3 dotes to find the bookmarker.
I use the like button habitually (far to often) and if I donā€™t feel a post, donā€™t like it.

What does a flag actually do, isnā€™t it still possible to view hidden post or is it deleted?
Hidden posts are fine, because I still click them and read :man_shrugging:

The trouble with text is we canā€™t read into someoneā€™s emotion so the tenancy to notice negativity seeps in and peeps spiral into bickering.
I actually think Elektronauts is very well behaved with little bickering, compared to other anonymous places online.

Sarcasm fine. Flagging fine.


I actually donā€™t think you can over use the like button, if anything, I think itā€™s mostly under utilized.


i was curious and looked at the flagged content. i cant understand what about it warranted a flagging. its not even close to being inappropriate. goes to show that the problem with flagging posts is it can be abused which seems to be the case here.


Flagged posts are rarely about the message itself, itā€™s mostly about the tone and/or association the message has or could have, or is considered off-topic.

This is an international place where people and cultures all over the world are present. Next to that: Most of the people here donā€™t speak English as their first language so misinterpretation in both word and intention happen all the time.

Which means we all should step back a little and be more ā€œpoliteā€ than you might feel is needed.

There is not much self reflection in a reaction as ā€œI was 100% not offensive!ā€. Itā€™s not for you to decide this. When your posts get flagged try to understand why and act differently in the future. Try to be the better person without pointing to others. In the end itā€™s just a post on a forum, someone did not like it, or found it inappropiate. Try to learn from it so you can contribute in a positive way in the future.

This excellent forum, where personal feuds and aggresive responses are very limited compared to other forums, and where positive and creative minds share such beatiful things deserves this.


Iā€™ve had a handful of things flagged. Mostly because I was posting off topic. Harmless really and nothing really to debate or argue against.

Couple of times Iā€™ve felt itā€™s unfair and a misunderstanding from the person flagging but pointless trying to explain because that will then be flagged. Frustrating but itā€™s a forum and I have more important real life things to deal with so stop caring and move on.

I do think flagging should be anonymous though, yes some over sensitive types will abuse it to flag anything that doesnā€™t fit with their agenda but it gives a platform for the quieter, less dominant posters to disagree or bring attention to issues in posts.

Otherwise the forum becomes a clique of the more popular, dominant and loud mouthed posters shouting out the quieter and newer posters.

Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ve flagged any posts, maybe few blatant hate filled posts and I wouldnā€™t care if my name was beside the flag but I think people should be able to flag anonymously


Theres a mute button at the bottom of every thread.
Hit that and you never have to read any more posts on that topic again.


Iā€™ve never flagged a post but I appreciate why the system is there and the difference it makes. I used to frequent the now defunct Propellerhead forums back in the day and that place went to utter shit thanks to a total lack of meaningful moderation, so personally Iā€™d rather a community erred on the side of caution.


I have been flagged once for I believe off topic stuff and I was like ā€œwhat theā€¦?ā€, removed the text and moved on.

I did not not that one flag is sufficient, maybe it should be more than one flag needed to hide a post.

As it was mentioned above it sometimes is difficult to understand someones post due to language barriers and irony and sarcasm are sometimes hard to get. Even with emoticons.

Especially as most of us (99,9%?) do not know each other in person, we do not know someones personality.
I am in phone and video conferences a lot, and when I say something ironic or any funny comment in a meeting and I do not know some of the crowd, I turn on my camera so people can see my face and gestures. And that makes the difference.

In the end, this is the nicest forum I am aware of. Super friendly people and (almost) no hate at all.

Thanks everyone for that!


I would disagree, I think that flagging should not be anonymous.
I never flagged anyoneā€™s post but if I did, I would do it for the same reasons as you, hate, irrelevant politics, stuff like this. but in this case, I donā€™t mind, maybe even want, that the both the person I flag and mods would know itā€™s me. I see it as a win win scenario.

anonymous flags can and are abused, for example, I once was flagged for posting same thing as another modā€™s reply right next to me, but the whoever flagged my post didnā€™t flag the modā€™s post, weā€™re basically posted same thing, but got selective flagging, so yeah, I think that anonymous flagging is abused.
I donā€™t mind getting flagged and being reminded Iā€™m out of line or posting something irrelevant, I even appreciate it, it makes me thing ā€œyeah, I shouldnā€™t have posted thatā€ and gets me thinking twice next time I do something like that, but the anonymous flagging does not help this imo.


Thatā€™s the thing though, if thinking about it from solely a personal perspective Iā€™m fine with having my name beside a flag but in the wider context it opens up an avenue for bullying and forums can be toxic pits full of angry gammons.

This is a free forum with volunteer mods and their life is easier with the process of hiding flagged names.

If names are beside flags it gives a platform to directly target others and engage in more arguments. It would be a nightmare.

What people should call for is a fair review of flags and there should be a penalty for those who abuse it and flag everything.


Flagging being anonymous is actually quite important. Otherwise the bar will be higher to flag a post. A lot of people will stop flagging all together.

Sure sometimes flagging is abused or unjustified. But itā€™s a small price to pay to keep this forum the way it is. Honestly feel like the forum has seen a decline in vibe in th past year. It used to be even more down to earth than it is now. Quite a few frequent posters on here have more or less left because of this. So I donā€™t think less flagging or non-anonymous flagging is a solution to anything really.

If you feel a flag is unjustified, you can contact mods about this. No need to remove anonymity


I was in a forum that only had thumps up (= hearts) and then introduces thumbs down.

You cannot imagine how hostile the forum became during that time. People got really, really mad at each other. It was impossible to read that sh*t.

The function was disabled within a few weeks. All good now. Not as good as here though :wink:

There might be different approached to flagging or the way this is done here. But I am fine with it. That one flag made me consider if some of my posts were or are necessary.


I was surprised by two flagging incidents recently, and the reason for the surprise on my part was the same, it was the moderator policy, which ā€¦ in this case I find unusual but it is what it is ā€¦ Iā€™m not criticising moderators here, itā€™s a tough job. In one case I was the flagger, in the other case I was being flagged.

In both case, there was a poster who was (in my judgement) being a major ā€˜irritantā€™, in that there were MANY adverse reactions. The surprise was, nothing happened to the ā€˜irritantā€™ all the action was concentrated on the multiple people reacting to it.

Like I said, not criticising moderators, they need to do something, itā€™s just that the ā€˜somethingā€™ chosen surprised me.


Iā€™m so tempted to flag this thread :blush::triangular_flag_on_post:


thatā€™s a great solution, if possible.


I like this community. It is fairly subject focused, drama free, engaging, supportive and interesting. The moderation seems to do its job, and is largely invisible, which is how it should be. If I want edgy content, memes, drama or politics I have other places I can (and do) hang out. If the price for that is a slightly overbearing approach to moderation and the risk of (very) occasionally something I post being flagged and deleted, thats fine with me, tbh.