Ipad Pro 2020 (my first ipad) - wow!
What makes you keep your hardware if you have such powerful machine? I seriously wonder wether I should sell my gear and just go minimal to the extreme?
Ipad Pro 2020 (my first ipad) - wow!
What makes you keep your hardware if you have such powerful machine? I seriously wonder wether I should sell my gear and just go minimal to the extreme?
I’ve been thinking along the same lines with my non-pro. With a good sample collection and a couple of controllers, there’s a really powerful, flexible, hands on system. And relatively inexpensive, too. It’s easy to get carried away buying apps, but choose carefully and for something like €200 you can get an amazing collection of creative, powerful stuff with ridiculous potential. And if necessary, any Gas can be soothed at the cost of 5-10€$ of fresh inspiration.
My reasons not to sell everything else would mainly be diversity of inspiration, plus hybrid sequencing possibilities. But the likes of Drambo + Rozeta Suite do have me questioning the need for various expensive machines
I love doing music on iPad but the small screen, lack of computing power and nothing really like a proper DAW all add up to using it as a sound/fx box for me. Still has a lot of bang for the buck and it’s fine if you’re in a pinch but it’s not the same as working with nice kobby gear and a proper daw on a big monitor.
Never arranged anything on a timeline to know… iPad seems pretty capable… “anything” to me though. Horsepower it does have as well, more than it would need for audio anyways.
The question for me is whether the iPad ends up on the software or hardware side (well, vibe). I don’t want to sit and keyboard and click. But lots of good hardware these says ha screens and even touch screens (though none I own). So does using the iPad feel like I’m using a computer or another piece of hardware. I’m aiming for the latter, but still seeing how it it integrates and how I feel about it. That said, Drambo is really cool. Modular without spending billions. But maybe it’s the gateway drug. Ramble end.
I’ve gone down the miRack rabbit hole. It started as a port of VCVRack, which I never got into because I knew I wasn’t going to get along with using a mouse to tweak knobs and patch cables. miRack lets me have that virtual Eurorack experience with multitouch which is much, much more pleasant for me than mousing around.
See miRack thread here for more info
Well imho it depends on the app. iPad shines when it feels like an instrument that no other hardware can replicate - that’s why Samplr remains my favorite. Borderlands Granular is also in this category, although I haven’t used it in quite some time.
I was just recently thinking about this, and came to the conclusion that these two are the only apps I’ve found so far that make such excellent use of the iPad platform / touchscreen. Plenty of others are fun to use, work well and look great (Patterning, Sector, etc). But Borderlands and Samplr are the only ones so perfectly suited. Anyone have any other suggestions in that category?
Not sure if this has been posted but an ableton style clip launcher in aum is pretty awesome if fully functional and solid
YES! This is the thing that made AUM not make sense to me
completely agree app should build up around the iPad medium, not try to mimic real life gear
I’ve spent way to much money on iPad apps… So much money… And the sad part is that I don’t use them much… Good thing most are cheap.
Plus all the great effects from:
ToneBoosters, BlueMango, AudioDamage, klevgrand, and a few others is a great setup on the iPad.
The great thing about the iPad is that it works great stand alone, sequencing hardware and pairs up nicely with Ableton. The flexibility of AUM really makes it shine when I’m making music.
Same here, however, when I do use the iPad apps every now and again, the creations are usually very good - I just don’t know why I don’t use them more…
Restraint required! Deceptively affordable prices will really add up if you’re buying on spec. Research and gradually incorporate, rather than candy shop binge. A couple of hundred €$£ of carefully chosen gems, Vs many times that of stockpiled randomness.
Edit: that’s probably the most boring advice I’ve ever given. App away with reckless abandon. But I did warn you momentarily
The honeymoon phase with the iPad will pass to a certain point eventually. While I still enjoy mine I don´t use it as much anymore. I just prefer using knobs, buttons and faders over a longer period of time than just a touchscreen and MIDI controllers just don´t do it for me for whatever reason (even though I´m using the Sensel Morph with the iPad and it works like a charme). While I´m also guilty of hording apps and enjoy the endless possibilities they offer I always come back to my hardware gear.
And after several times jamming with Audiobus or AUM and some app crashing and causing a constant annyoing tone louder than everything else until you close the app entirely I just lost patience with it.
It all comes down to operating systems for me, I find I’m hemmed in with certain things as I have to chose to have access to a particular game that won’t be updated or miss out on a great gem for music because I can’t upgrade.
Why can’t I be a tank commander AND use a great sample mangler
I O fucking S
Tongue in cheek flaggers
Spent an hour trying to integrate iPad into my system last night but gave up and just jammed with elektrons for second hour. Main challenge was getting clock to sync across devices - though I’m sure I’ll work it out. I know AUM likes to be master, so was just going to roll with that, but as I said I couldn’t work it out and gave up. Really keen to get Suggester integrated to write some nice chord progressions for the MF or A4 (in poly) which I can build around.
Korg’s iMS-20. Hear me out…
I do not understand why this app doesn’t get more love. Not only a great sounding recreation of the original, but they added a fantastic sequencer in which you can modulate any parameter with 2 Kaoss style pads, multiple sequencing lanes, PLUS a really great drum sequencer in which you can parameter lock individual drum hits.
I bought this years ago and ignored it for some reason and just recently opened it up and discovered how awesome it is. I’ve spent all weekend jamming on it.
AUD47 for price of entry - I hope it’s good!
Drambo is AUD30 and seems to do those things too.
That price just makes it less of a ‘gift it a shot’ cost