I’ve been a very proud and happy owner of the Analog Keys for a few days now and consider this synth as one of the most enjoyable modern synth to program and play with.
This said, I’m pretty sure that a bigger screen might really improve its ease and confort of use.
Despite my unexisting programming skills, I started looking into Lemur as a way to visualize the controls and their values ; unfortunately, there are a few issues making it not such a good way to do this :
Values on screen don’t sync automatically with the AK’s, since they only change (or appear) once the corresponding knobs on the AK have actually been turned.
Lemur pages will not respond automatically to the change of page on the AK (for instance, switch to the Filter page on the AK will not trigger the change of page on Lemur).
Some parameters don’t have Midi CCs (Detune, Key Tracking, etc…).
Does anyone know how to go around those issues, or only an iOs app might be the solution to this ? In which case it would be a hell of a feature request to make to the guys at Elektron…
There are a couple of technical reasons why bi-directionality with lemur will not work that way, both issues with the lemur i’m afraid - the best hope from an elektron viewpoint is that they might implement a dump all cc (ie current state) command - there may be bespoke apps which deal better with this scenario than lemur, best plan is to make the most of what the lemur can do well, which is a heck of a lot - i prefer to think of the lemur as an extension or an alternative take on the a4 ui - use it as a macro commander or exploit the physics within lemur or recordable faders to create extra ‘lfos’ etc - there’s a thread somewhere about @void’s ipad app which is in development, but that’s gonna be geared to do so much more than potentially be a better screen or even fancy lemur scripting, again exploiting the ipad potential, lemur is well worth investing time in though, the a4/k ui is very good, but it’s especially helpful wrt the OT UI which is far far denser
lemur works on any ipad (and recent phones), mine is the original so i only know about using the camera connection kit with class compliant usb devices and direct devices like the Line6 midimobilizer2 - lemur is (or was) pricey and takes a lot of setting up if you want to do your own thing, but it’s worth the effort - mainly been using it with OT, but the A4 is simpler as you can connect directly to the usb port assuming you have the latest cable or adaptor for the new apple lightning connector on newer devices - liine.net should have all the answers, i’m no expert!