Introducing Song Mode on Digitakt, Syntakt, Digitone and Digitone Keys

What is the current temperature in hell, I wonder?

Thank you, @Elektron! :pray:


Love to wake up and see the home page updated with a bombshell like this :slight_smile: just laffin at the people who are somehow still ungrateful… like dude they didn’t have to do any of this, consider yourself lucky!


:heart_eyes: whoa, was not expecting song mode. I thought for sure scale fold would come to DT, and I guessed at global fx for ST, but this is exciting because of the possibilities.


Christmas comes early :wink:

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So whats next for us to moan about? New OT firmware of course :slight_smile:

11 posts were merged into an existing topic: A lack of song mode on the small boxes would be alright if

:slight_smile: You´re welcome

Close the forum, shut it down, archive the memes, there’s nothing left to talk about


Finding the folded keyboard on DN was easy, anybody know where it is on DT?

10 more years of waiting linux transfer and overbridge…

Any way to create variations to patterns beyond chains and mutes? I don’t get it. Isn’t this the song mode similar to OT’s, Rytm’s and A4’s?

looks like there’s some cool possibilities with the row lengths for building seqs differently.

missing a way to audition each row quickly though. func+yes to audition the row immediately without cueing would be great…


Great update, not really relevant for my worfklow.
portamento is nice.
was hoping for a compressor on syntakt though.
and can you now connect two mono sources to the inputs on syntakt and control volumes in mixer separately?

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Holy crap. Does the USB out for the digital tracks on the ST mean that you could potentially have 2 different stereo outputs? Like T1-T8 via USB into a computer/interface and T9-T12 out the stereo audio into something else?

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Hold the buttons to enter chromatic and behold


It’s a business, they didn’t do it “to do us a favour” or out of kindness. Thus, I don’t get why people should be “grateful”.

With that said, I myself prefer to buy a device once it has all the features I really want and then any new updates are just bonuses. That may thus now be enough to convince me to get a Syntakt!


Portamento on ST… that’s great !

Now do it on the DTakt too.


When the video of the song mode feature dropped on YouTube I had to triplecheck the date and the YouTube channel to make sure that it wasn’t some kind of deepfake prank; that’s how unlikely I thought that song mode was going to be a reality on the digi boxes. I’ve been in camp direct jump myself, but I’m definitely going to try this out and might even come to like it.

So cudos to Elektron for chaning things up!


I sold mine ages ago due to the abhorrent lack of song mode, so I have to buy a new one…


I never expected these updates, but it does feel like I have a brand new Digitakt and Syntakt today! Yaaay!


I’m applying a kind of social engineering here. By encouraging Elektron by saying thanks when they drop features like this, thereby shifting their movitation to instrinsic (doing it for themselves) rather than extrinsic (doing it for the money), I hope that they will continue to update the boxes even when it’s not exonomically feasible to do so :slight_smile: