I have been wishing that my OG Digitone (acquired shortly after it was released) could have the offsets from its arp quantized to the selected scale. At this point pretty clear DN1 won’t be getting that, so I hope Elektron implement this in DN2. This should be a selectable option, for the same reason I illustrate below for transposition.
It would also be good to have the option, for track-level and pattern-level transposition, for this to be applied either after or before quantization to the selected scale + root note.
To illustrate, say you’ve selected Hirajoshi A. Transposing the track +3 semitones after quantization would shift the whole track into Hirajoshi C. Transposing the track +3 semitones before quantization would keep it within Hirajoshi A.
If Digitone II is intended to be the flagship “do it all” melodic Elektron box, these are very relevant details to attend to.
It would also be very nice if DN2 could grow an option for its externally received MIDI to be quantized to the selected scale+root.