Internal Sampling not working... Ideas?

Hi guys,
I’m wondering what I am overlooking. I’ve had the octatrack for more than a year and a half, and this seems pretty odd.

I am trying to sample internally on track 6. I can sample from AB without any issues:

But if I set S3 to the track I want to sample, or cue, or main:

A lot of nothing. If I zoom into that I see an odd looking waveform:

Just a big square shape…

My mixer settings are pretty normal:

I still have the issue after a reboot. I originally found this issue on 1.25B . I updated to the latest 1.25H and I still have the problem. I have not seen this before.

Also tried on different tracks with the same result.

Wondering what else anyone could suggest I check?


Why are the images upside down!!! They look right side up in my iphone and on my computer…

Man… one of those days to reach for the guitar…

to initiate resampling, hit the MIDI button
trust me, we’ve all been there :slight_smile:

Haha thanks robo,
So I have quick record mode on, and I am hitting A which causes the track icon to switch to a plus… But perhaps it is just recording from the - A… I hope that does it.

Awesome! That did it. Thanks!

I remember this driving me insane one night! Glad you have it sussed :slight_smile:

I had this night last weekend … :sob: … after a much too long period of try and error, I wondered, if the manual could help me out … and five minutes later … :wink:

But to be fair, it’s a pretty well hidden feature … either you know or remember that the “midi” button serves not only for “midi” stuff, or you don’t get it.

I had this night last weekend … :sob: … after a much too long period of try and error, I wondered, if the manual could help me out … and five minutes later … :wink:

But to be fair, it’s a pretty well hidden feature … either you know or remember that the “midi” button serves not only for “midi” stuff, or you don’t get it.
Yeh it was something I’d done ok before so I went the trial and error route trying to figure it out again for at least an hour before I grabbed the manual/hit forum…lesson learned :wink:

I am having the exact same problem with with my Mk1 OT.

Can someone please explain the solution like I’m five years old?!

Thanks I’m advance.


A common mistake is to start the recording with Track button+RECAB/CD instead of Track button+MIDI

Several possibilities, so could you describe how do you proceed?
Eventually pictures of settings.

Ha thanks! I’m trying to do it with record trigs. But even when I do it with the manual sampling method, nothing at all records. I might start a new project and see what happens.

Using trigs, make sure you’ve p-locked the correct input. Hold down your record trig and look at which inputs are highlighted. Pressing REC1/REC2/MIDI will toggle AB/CD/SRC3 correspondingly. I believe by default a second record trig will use the previously selected input.

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I started a new project and started again, using the above technique and it seemed to work. I can’t understand why it wouldn’t work before, but I appreciate all of the help!

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