I was just wondering if it’s possible too route for example a kick sound on track 1 too the filters of tracks 2,3 and 4 without the OSC of tracks 2,3, and 4 change the sound of the kick on track 1?
Is this possible internal or do i need to route it into ableton and back too A4?
You can do that using track 2 if you choose the Neighbour waveform in Osc 2. I believe that it only works with the previous track so track 3 would manipulate track 2 etc.
Go to track 2 then to ocs2’s waveform. then select NEI as the waveform.
That will route the previous track’s audio in(track 1 in this case). For completely serial routing turn down the level of the routed track completely.
check page 59 of the manual for more details.
Aaaight. I checked the manual but it didn’t work as I had in mind. the sound didn’t come thru. I gave it another shot this afternoon and now it worked fine Thanks guys.