Internal Resampling Levels

Last night I was trying to set up this configuration.
TK1>Record from input AB
TK5>Resample from TK1

However, setting the source in the Recorder Setup menu to track one resulted in barely audible recordings. Setting the source to Main or track 8 (I had track 8 as master) gave acceptable results, but this isn’t ideal if I don’t want to resample the entire mix. Of course, you can record and then normalize the recording, but I’m hoping to do this on the fly. I’ve been looking at the OT manual for so long my eyes are bleeding, but can’t figure this one out. Any tips?

I have the exact same question.

So far I can think of two ways to raise the volume:

  • raise the volume of the recording buffer (via [TRACK]+BANK)
  • increase the VOL of the resulting recording in AMP

I find both options quite unsatisfactory… I basically wish the sample in the recording buffer had a decent level already, especially when resampling.
Oh and BTW, pick up machines seem to give me a better result (level) when resampling internally than the “normal” recording buffer on a Flex machine. Anyone got an idea why that is?


Hey Baddcr,

thanks for your pointer and tip!
I wasn’t aware of the 12db cut. I quick google search lead me to helpful thread on the forum here, so that cleared some things up.

Next time I run into a problem I’ll try what you suggested and turn down my tracks while recording.
