Inputs hard panned in mixer?

So I have some old mono effects and pedals I’d love to use as send effects. But if they come in the main mixer and don’t go into a Thru machine, they are always hard panned left or right (input A/B or C/D). Is there any way around this without burning a track? I’m hoping I am missing some obvious setting in the mixer.

Just a thought off the top of my head without trying, use an insert cable. Wet Out FX, In A & B OT.

Other than eating a track you need to eat an input. Use a splitter: Mono female to two mono males, one in A the other into B.

You need a thru machine, sadly. I too wish the mixer would let you manage the 4 inputs separately. Sometimes it starts to feel like one OT isn’t enough :thinking:

Same here, I would loving having the option for 4 mono inputs instead of 2 stereo…