Time for some Elektronauts/elektron-users info! Monday Sep 9 is the date we’ve set for going public with Elektronauts. Two weeks later, Sep 23, elektron-users will be “frozen”. It will still remain as an info database, but logging in, posting, registering etc, will not be possible.
hmmm… if i may be honest… I understand its easier to keep 1 website and freeze the other.
but over time, i did write some really interesting stuff on elektron-users…(atleast i think it was interesting) if i cannot login anymore…
i will have a really terrible time searching for it… (basicly by backreading my own posts)
So why not turn everything read-only / close for new registration. but keep login-stuff open a bit longer… so some of us can atleast find their own stuff back…
That is a good idea and something we’ll definitely consider!
good idea
Jon I completely agree with the_dreammer here. I’ve bookmarked a large number of posts on EU for ease of reference. If you can still allow us to log in to get our old info it would be a huge help.
Yep, We’ve thought about this during the afternoon - and you will most likely still be able to log in to e-u.com. Thanks for the feedback!
+1 on the ability to login and review posts/subscriptions/etc.
on elektron-users.com!
Still though, is this forum currently in the state it will be in when it goes online? Not a lot seems to have changed except the bottom bar being a tad smaller. As it stands, I much prefer browsing and using the Elektron-Users forum over this. Especially due to the overview it gives you. All forum categories visible on the front page without having to scroll, and plenty of threads visible once you’re in a category - two of the absolutely most important things for a better user experience, in my opinion.
We are working on some tweaks which will be implemented before the forum launches.
Actually, there’s quite a lot that’ve been changed. A lot of white space between posts have been eliminated, pagination in the forum thread indexes as well as under topic titles have been added, improved smartphone compatibility when posting, dramatically increased WYSIWYG-factor in the post reply/create topic box, tweaked functionality and a lot of behind the scenes stuff etc etc. That said, there is of course still room for improvement!
Jon, i think you guys did a fantastic job to get this nice and shiny new place up and running.
Thank you! Really!
Thanks pulsn!! Really nice to hear!
It’s really important to stress that we really enjoy getting feedback. We’ve gotten a lot of good suggestions from you guys, and I’m sure there’s like a million things we can improve on. Wood and trees you know…
I am still finding the sight to be a real pain on either my Samsung or iPhone. Navigation and scrolling are difficult.
Are you planning to improve compatibility with mobile devices a lot further?
We do have smartphone optimization in mind. First though, we want to get the more computer oriented version of Elektronauts done.
4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Elektron-Users’ Forum content is missing