Is it possible to have individual midi Ch control per track?
I’ve find this new machines (OT, ARYTM, A4) with a better and more capable sequencer and interface, so I was trying to connect the OT and sequence MIDI to 4 machine tracks individually, but seems like the MD the tracks as “DRUM KITS”
Also, I think it’s time for a MD update, don’t you think?
The default MIDI mappings for playing tracks and patterns are given in Appendix B of the MD manual, and you can adjust them in the MIDI map editor (GLOBAL>CONTROL>MAP EDITOR).
Why do you need a separate MIDI channel for each MD track?
Don’t expect an OS update. If you can’t work within the 4-channel setup, which I agree is a bit strange, then the solution is something like a Mutable Instruments MIDIpal.
yep, thought about the midipal too. But, nah I’ve worked with the 4 channel set up, but still trying to find something there. But I guess it’s nothing so. Yup
What are you trying to do in your sequence that is not available on the MD sequencer? Maybe there are work arounds. If not then I would also suggest looking up the MIDI mapping, as suggested, since I believe the MD can only be controlled with one MIDI channel and as you said it works like a drum kit, each note is a different drum track. Still what are you trying to do that this doesn’t work for you? You can set multiple MIDI tracks on the OT to the same channel with each trig a different note (thus different track on the MD) along with p-locked CC messages to manipulate the parameters on the MD. I would assume many MD tracks can be controlled with just one OT MIDI track using the p-locks.
Pure data patch I’m developing that mix P-locks randomly creating ranges with the ones already in the sequence, but I need track or voice per midi channel.
But, Na, it’s not possible by my understanding. It’s ok, I’m pretty happy with the MD, I guess I’ll be using the NordDrum 2 for this patch.
Mmm, now that you say about what the MD sequencer can’t… Polyrythm like the OT, and other things, sorry, I’m not in my studio right now : )
Sry but i have question too…
How many instruments can i trig with MD’s seqvencer at the same time (with diferent midi notes) and how to connect - let’s say - 3 separete synths on one MD midi out?
Jep i’m noob in this field :D…
You can use a MIDI machine on each of the MD’s 16 sequencer tracks (1 for each MIDI channel).
If the various synths have MIDI Thru connectors then you can chain the synths together. If not, you need an additional box that provides more than one MIDI Thru port. In either case, you need to set the synths to operate on MIDI channels so that you can send the appropriate information from the MD to the appropriate synth.
Better to start a new thread for questions that are not related to Huno’s original question.