In the market for a sketchpad for melodies

I assumed as much, but I wasn’t, so it’s important to clarify that :wink:

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Yeah i read through this and thought ”circuit tracks”. Get a tiny synth to go with it for extra tracks like a micromonsta2 or s-1 or whatever, some nice small cables, and it shouldn’t be too much of a hassle as a sketchpad

Edit: hell a volca bass gives you up to 3 tracks just shit for sound design :slight_smile:

I’ll sell you my mint OP-1, but not for 500 :))

Thanks for this! Ordered :slight_smile:


Ha thanks! Yeah I’ve owned the OG three different times. I REALLY tried to like it, but it just wasn’t meant to be. Plus it didn’t have scales :frowning:

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You’ll have to let the gang know how you’re getting on with your choice.

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You’re welcome! I hope you like it.

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When you get it, make sure to update to the latest firmware if it’s not already installed. These boxes have a ton of features. Also, don’t forget to download any necessary drivers for your computer.


Welcome to the club.

A tip to get you started: Always take a very deep look at the update manual. It contains important information about new functions that were added later and are not included in the “normal” manual.

A useful list of all the shortcuts with a lot of tricks and hints is here:

Everything else then in this thread, where you can find incredibly helpful resources:


Thanks everyone, much appreciated!

Unfortunately, I just read about the arp in the 101/707 thread. Is there really no way to play and record notes into the sequencer, then turn on the arp and have those notes arpeggiated? What about turning on the arp, then playing the notes-- do those arpeggiated notes get recorded into the sequencer? Could be a deal breaker :frowning:

Yes, the arpeggiated notes will be recorded into the sequencer. It is rather unusual for an arpeggiator to act after and not before the sequencer.

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I have never heard of assigning an arp after entering notes.
Please do share the name of a device or software that had this functionality.

As far as software goes, this is pretty easy to do in Ableton Live.

  • Roly SH-4D
  • Roly JDXI (on the bigger side of portable)
  • Roly JD-08 (only two track, but tiny and quite full-featured)
  • Polyend Tracker Mini (if you can stomach trackers)
  • One of the Sonicware Liven boxes e.g. XFM / Bass & Beats (questionable build quality but cheap and multi-track)

Okay that’s good that the arpeggiated notes get recorded into the sequencer. Though, when the arp is on, is it always running/latched? Like, can you take your fingers off the notes and the instrument stops, so you can create your own rests?

Same with Renoise.

Thank you for sharing. I think I will install ableton live again, this would be fun to play with.

Awesome, the sh4d was already on my radar, now it has been promoted to the wishlist.
Thank you

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Every one of the Elektron boxes.



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This would be considered somewhat unique behaviour, and definitely not the norm for arps in general. And I would argue that it constitutes redundant functionality in any box with a sequencer.
