
I was suffocating under a pile of bodies, slowly paralyzed by a daemon.
I knew I used to have in my knowledge THE formula to annihilate the power of the evil creature. I just had to remember it and shout it before it was too late… But the paralysis was already reaching my mouth.
A pearl of sweat on the temple, I suddenly reminded the old words and began to whisper them, starting to feel the paralysis soften, so I could say the counter-spell more and more distinctly, with more voice.
Until I really could tell it loud, eventually breaking the evil enchantment.
And to free all of the other people around me I just screamed with all my regained power : “RENDAT NOMINE !!!”

And woke up my wife.

Were do dreams come from and how could I invent words I had never heard nor read ?


This is only a guess …

I think that many “concepts” or “ideas” have an abstract, non-verbal print in our brain or in our thoughts and are independent from the “terms” we use to name them.

Let’s take different languages and terms like “tree”, or “river”, etc. as an example. If we think about a “tree”, we do not think “t-r-e-e”, we think of a plant, growing from the ground, having a trunk, branches, leaves, blossems, fruits, and even birds sitting on the branches and singing. I would say, such “imagination” of a tree should be shared by many people in the world speaking very different languages - be it English or Chinese.

This said … the “imagination” of the “tree” is independent from the “term” we use to name it. If now in a dream our brain “creates” a “term”, for what ever it might be, we are familiar with that “term”, since it was our own brain, creating the dream and the term.

What you describe could simply be the experience of “creativity” in a dream. All terms we use today have been “invented” some day by someone. Nobody told the first person calling a tree a “tree” to do so.

What do you think?

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I believe the brain, amongst other views, can be seen as a powerful synthetic machine for creating new content from all the input signals we’ve memorized since we were in our mother’s belly.
And dreaming is certainly the moment when the brain can create freely.

These pictures and sounds we create while sleeping are thus friable elements that can be used to analyze our deep self, the ideas we have but can’t face, the unconscious.
Maybe my long-time fascination for post-apocalypse is merely a fear of death for our kind and most obviously for the ones I love, and myself.
I’ve just turned 40 and it bugs me a bit. I love life very much, you know. No wonder why I fight in my dreams to regain my powers :wink:

But inventing words, that’s the part that fascinates me really.
Language is Latin, for sure. “Nomine” being “name”. And I can’t find any traduction for “rendat” (come on Google, “rcndat”, really ?). But I understand it as “give back”, in a way. I just can’t see why I would scream “Give us back our name” so loud in the middle of the night :smile:
Oh, I forgot to say that in the dream I was some kind of religious person in habit. While I am very deeply atheist, in reality.

Maybe I just inadvertently spied on a parallel dimension, giving my parallel self the solution to free mankind from the evil ascendency of a powerful daemon.

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Latin … I had the same thought first … it may be, but it’s hard to tell.

“nomine” in Latin is an adverb and means “in the name of”, like in church service the “nomine patre”, which is “in the name of the Vather (or God)”.

“Rendat” as it’s spelled out, is a family name, rare, but there are some on FB and Twitter.

So, “Rendat nomine” … could be something like “in the name of Rendat” … could fit to your dream to be a priest like person or a druid?

Your interpretation would, in case you felt this, exactly be, what it means. Even if our brains make up some “creative” stuff during dreams, I believe, if we feel some sense in what we dream, or feel an emotion, that this and some symbolism, which would be very private in nature, is a part of a the message, which we deliver to ourselfs.

I also have dreams to wake up from and ask myself, what was that supposed to tell me? Sometimes I can draw a (almost reasonable) connection from reality to dream and back to reality. :wink:


I just love it, dreaming. This one was so clear I had to write it, but most of the time a dream just fades out as I awaken… Still, I love this state of sub-consciousness where everything is possible.
My dreams are essentially positive, contrary to my wife that mostly wakes on nightmares.

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The other night I dived onto the missus at 4am cause I thought I was reaching into a fireplace, she found it hilarious. I think the simplest way to put it is; think of an apple, now think of a field, now think of an apple in a field. You haven’t seen the apple or the field before specifically but you can imagine it based on what your mind already knows about them. It’s not even necessarily a visual thing, just the concept. When you see a field you don’t see every blade of grass cause it would be pointless overwhelming information for your brain to take on. Now when you dream everything is being generated from your brain entirely, so any mixture of concepts and ideas becomes real, and the brain is trying to stay asleep so it happily glazes over important things like rational thinking as easily as your awake mind ignores blades of grass in a field.

Just skimmed the thread, @SoundRider was bang on. I started typing as soon as I read the first post, it’s a subject that’s interested me for years. If you want things to get weird look into lucid dreaming, easily some of the strangest experiences of my life, up there with all sorts of mind altering stuff if you catch my drift

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My finest dreams are about creating music. Sometimes I even play an instrument, which I definitely don’t know how to play in reality. It’s mutlitimbral often and thoughts going out and creating music and sounds on the fly. It’s a great feeling. The worst of those dreams is to wake up and feel that all those ideas, which have just been created by myself, somehow, grow thin and thinner and vanish at the end.


One more point : have you ever tried to sleep again to go back into your dream ?
I did quite a few times, as a child, to change the course of events or just feel the sensation… Doesn’t seem I can now.

I remember one dream very vividly : I am flying in my bed, and at some point loose control of the bed. I really FEEL the fall, like G’s and all, and either I crash and wake up, or I manage to regain control of the bed and go back in the air after a U that let me in sweat and heart beating fast, but happily free again to fly, aka dream. And I can really feel the G’s when flying, pretty crazy.
When crashing, it was often that I would try to reach sleep again to get back to the clouds. And more than once succeeded.
Same with any monster, wolf, dinosaur or such : I would go back and beat them to pieces or just change them into an ant I could spare, because I was confident I was the most powerful in my dreams and could do whatever I like with any detail.
This feeling of limitless power has stayed, I encounter it once in a while. Might have something to do with the lucid dreaming you were talking about, @jb. Definitely have to read about this :slight_smile:


I have crazy vivid dreams every night and can remember each one. I love them. Especially the flying ones and the invincible ones. Often I wake myself up laughing, crying with sorrow, physically buzzing from taking drugs (in my dream), or shaken from dying (in my dreams).

Often I return to the same locations months or even years apart and I still know them inside out. Occasionally, I’ll visit places in real life and I’ve already been there in previous dream and every detail is the same, even though I’ve never been there before. Not in a deja vu way, in and actual knowledge way.

I like to believe we visit other realities, universes and dimensions in our dreams. Maybe even visit and become other versions of ourselves.

We know nothing.


Maybe RENDAT NOMINE is a name of a preset on the new Elektron Digitone - if not it should be :smile:


Yeah that’s lucid dreaming, it’s just dreaming when you’re aware that you’re in a dream. The experience is truly real, and it’s absolutely bizzare. That is one of the common methods of doing it, waking up and going back to sleep induces vivid dreams for a lot of people. There’s loads of techniques to do it. You can keep a dream diary and watching out for recurring things in hopes that when you see it in your dream you realise its not real. Or you can get into the habit of regularly counting your fingers, in dreams numbers often don’t add up so if you do it regularly enough and try it in a dream you’ll likely count more or less than 10 fingers and realise. One that works for me is staying completely still and resisting all urge to move. If you can get past the itches and little tests your body does to see if you’re awake you can drift into dream state and have out of body experiences. Whether these are real or just dreams is debatable but it’s the general consensus that it feels like leaving your body. The sensations usually freak me out too much and make me get up when I do that though. If you try that one be aware of sleep paralysis, it can be a pretty scary experience. Not harmful, just scary.

Anyway on to more interesting stuff than how to do it. In these dreams you’re very much there, and you can do all you imagine, fly, walk through walls, talk to characters from your subconscious. Electronics like clocks and complicated things don’t tend to work properly, numbers are weird and characters don’t believe they’re in a dream. Fun stuff, if you get too excited you will wake up though, it really is a skill you have to regularly keep on top of if you want to do it. Its easier for some people than others, but that’s the gist of it. It’s like a deep form of meditation mixed with hyper realistic VR. Very weird stuff, I’ve only succeeded a few times.


Waking up for whatever reason and wanting to go back to the story works for me only sometimes. It’s rare, but not impossible. There is no particular technique. I only try to imagine as strong as I can the last scene before I woke up. But … what was fun before - sometimes - turns into weirdness.

What was a role-playing game like story before, where I was the hero, flying around, beating the bad guys with my magic, has changed to a quite different role. Sometimes I am an observer, who can watch only. Sometimes familiar places lead to new weird strange places. I try to find a way out or back, but without avail. Most things seem to be the same, but aren’t anymore, paths and places I want to go have dissapperd, new paths lead to nowhere or in circles … then it’s time to wake up again and end this mess :wink: