If i update to 1.1B will i lose any of my previous work?

Can anyone tell me if updating the A4 to 1.1B will cause me to loose any of the sounds, patterns and kits that i have saved from before.

I think i read that the new presets will be on the newly activated plus drive. So does this mean that your pattern bank will be as it was before the update.

Just got back from traveling and found out about this tasty new update, so I’m eager to get started with all that poly goodness.

Probably a dumb question, thanks in advance anyway!

make sure that you save your kits.

several people seem to not do this properly, relying on the kit temporary buffers instead.
not sure but I think if you upgrade, you might find that all kits will be in the state you last actually saved them.

the upgrade will put your existing work in project slot 2 and the new factory demos in project slot 1.