If EU was like the MD

This forum is like an early OT OS.

Using it with iOS or XP is painful.

Can’t comment about iOS but I’ve got to laugh about XP who uses that these days. Most audio software developers have dropped XP support, why would you think the way forward for Elektronauts is with XP support?

My netbook uses XP, every other forum works fine with it, and if I’m not mistaken until quite recently it was still the most widely used OS. I also have a Windows7 laptop and a Mac mini but never use them online, 90% of the time for browsing forums I use my iPad though, but sometimes use the netbook.

According to this it is still the second most used OS.

Granted but that’s because companies fall into the trap of legacy support and are then forever weighted down by a long list of out dated operating systems. XP support is not the future. Even micro soft themselves are EOSS (End of Software Support) XP in less than twelve months (April 2014).

Regardless, it is kind of a mistake for Elektron to not ensure the site working well with the second most used OS, no?

Anyway, it seems that since my last visit on my XP machine things have improved, finally I was able to update my profile.

But it is still rubbish on iOS - the most widely used mobile platform:thinking:

No, it’s not a mistake. The mistake is in fact offering legacy support to out dated operating systems. There needs to be a line in the sand.

people and companies have better things to do than mess around updating computers. It requires an awful lot of unnecessary resources.

No one shouldn’t be punished for using old computers IMO

Correct but neither should companies that want to move with the times be punished by users not willing to move with them. We are in the Information Age and change is a prerequisite.

Thanks for the edit :slight_smile:

I also agree to some extent with the idea around technological development however internet browsing is fairly lowest common denominator stuff isn’t it?

Agreed. And of course Elektron will fix Elektronauts to work with XP. It’s a matter of principle. Apple have done it, Avid have done it, Adobe have done it, Micro soft are about to do it. XP needs to drift off into the sunset and we need to say farewell to the once great OS it was.

Would explain why I can’t get on with it. Also, like the OT I don’t like the new colour scheme.

Infeel your pain: Everytime I try to hit reply I get terms and conditions!

I’m afraid I’m in the ‘not entirely happy’ camp too.
I primarily use an iPhone for browsing & commenting on forums & frankly this one is just a nightmare on an iPhone. It’s almost impossible to post. This has just taken me 2 attempts & about 5 minutes!