If Elektron Made a Stereo Sampling, Slicing, Beatmachine in the Formfactor of the Model Samples with Higher Sequencer Resolution

i think it should have 2tb of storage and a granular engine and it should have ALL the DSP from the machinedrum and monomachine and digitone and it should have 64 freely assignable LFOs and eventide should make the audio fx and it should have CV i/o and it should cost $199


Yes, I was thinking about pure samplers. OT is the only which does stereo and slicing

I think I have put you into a group of people who are asking for premium features but aren’t willing to pay the price.

My mistake, sorry for that.

Someone mentioned the 1010 boxes already, they are of your desired form factor and seem to have a lot of power but lack the Elektron workflow.

Overall I wouldn’t bet on Elektron making such a powerful little box as they would directly compete with their own product line.

But maybe some other company would?

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simple, the same way. have hundreds of pages you scroll through with one button. A 4 bar pattern now has 40 pages

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not me friend, apology accepted… I’m willing to donate blood, all Elektron has to do is tell me how many pints they want :grin:

being that the Elektron product line doesn’t have anything in the model samples form factor with stereo sampling etc… I don’t see how they would be in competition with any of their product line?

…i would not raise my hopes too much for another model:something…
especially not in any sampling direction…sampling capabilties on it’s own in particular…

I agree not a Model, just a 1kpf style akin to the models formfactor…
but definitely that offers more sampling prowess than what the model samples is about.
particularly in the direction of sampling capabilities on their own is exactly the thing they haven’t done yet… a space they should fill imho

Honestly… sounds like a blackbox paired with an Elektron box. MS+BB is a great combo. Price is decent, audio quality is very good and you can sequence the BB.

Obviously it’s not the same, but that will get you close!

maybe, but I think Elektron has an opportunity to do something incredible in this space, and if you think about it they’ve done something in all of the surrounding spaces, why wouldn’t they do something for their die hard sampling fanatics within their base…
I can’t think of a reason not too

It would pull people away from the AR/OT/DT.

Not everyone needs the power of the OT.

DT and AR are mono and don’t slice.

It would have the be quite basic and offer very little FX and non upgradeable memory to be inconvenient enough to justify their active products from being snuffed out by none other than themselves

A Mk2 DT with an upgraded price like the ST would make sense though. Maybe 2 stereo and 6 mono to keep it limited enough. Unfortunately Mk2 for Elektron seems to be quality of life upgrades since Mk1 and Mk2 are backwards compatible (firmware)

I’d love a DT2 but still something in that MS sleeker, lighter formfactor would really be nice…

if the reason they didn’t do it was because what you said, it would be kinda sad…

I don’t have a M:S, but I’d just want on-board sampling and finer resolution sample start/end. That’d make me want one. And better pads, while we’re dreaming.

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But where will we put our stickers then??!!

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they’ve already done all of the R&D needed :crossed_fingers: :point_right: :ok_hand: yeah!

What about doubling or quadrupling the bpm??

you mean as an current user workaround right now, or as a future feature update in a new model of Elektron sampler, either way I guess it’s a yes!

Better pads. (It definitely can’t be worse than it already is so hopefully, it can only get better…).
That’s about it, the M:S is already such a great little machine sold at a very reasonable price. Let’s keep it as is besides better pads.

Have you seen the @StudioEtage fix: M:S pads not sensitive enough - #88 by StudioEtage

I am nervous to try it (so many screws!), and the pads should never have required this kind of user intervention, but this might be an option for you

If you have a M:S or similar machine and have NOT applied this fix yet, you must be crazy, as it’s really not that complicated (20 minutes and you’re done) and improves the pads from “pain in the ass” to “almost perfect”.

I’d rather a Digitakt update that brings more OT features. The Digi size is definitely my favorite formfactor, overall. Easy to travel with, big enough that I don’t feel cramped (I have tiny hands), and they look sleek as hell.

The problem is not my M:S, it’s all of them Models. Their pads are faulty, they’ve gotta make new Models with better pads. End of story.