Ideas for protecting Octatrack whilst travelling

I’m a regular flyer as part of my job (i.e. practically every week) and was looking for some advice on a protective case for an electron box (probably the Octatrack).

I have looked into the official Elektron case which looks great however I already travel with 2 pieces of hand luggage (small carry on case + backpack) so wouldn’t be able to take another bag with me.

I do however have space in the backpack for an Elektron box so was wondering if anyone had found a solution to this?

Does anyone have any ideas?

go for Pelicase------unbreakeable

something like the Peli-1500

Using the foam you can have enough room to put in the power supply and something else.

Not cheap, yet affordable.
A tank

I fly all the time, in Schiphol now lol
I swapped my rucksack for a Peli 1510, specifically designed to be hand luggage. Makes a useful seat too :slight_smile:

Pelican for sure. Highly Recommended.

Thanks - might look into that!

I was really looking for a protector that would cover the knobs and let me know slide it into my existing backpack though : )

In that case …har har

Elektron PL1 - Exactly what you are looking for.

^ yep either that or cheapest option, bubble wrap.

fwiw i don’t recommend this. elektrons can travel but they’re not built like tanks. neither are they fixed quickly (or cheaply once your warranty expires).
if you need a carryon, go for the larger pelican case and get the knob cover to protect your ot, then put whatever else you need with you atop that.

Thanks, I appreciate the advice, think i might go with this.

I can vouch for the Pelican cases, they’re practically bombproof. Using the pick and pluck foam, you can make it as snug as you like.

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For my flight to Milwaukee for the Octatrack workshop, I wrapped my OT in a towel and packed it into my carry-on bag. Anything that would not fit into the carry-on, I put in my backpack.

Of course once I was in the city, I put the OT in the backpack.

Because of that evil trend started by American Airlines of charging extra money for check-in baggage, hardly anybody checks in baggage anymore and just flies with carry-on luggage. As a result, you want to make sure you board as early as possible - otherwise, they will force you to check-in your carry-on because the overhead bins quickly run out of space… due to everyone travelling with carry-ons!

ThermoI can vouch for the Pelican cases, they’re practically bombproof. Using the pick and pluck foam, you can make it as snug as you like.

Wow, Thermo, what size Pelican case is that?

It’s the 1620 model. Wasn’t cheap, but I wanted to be sure everything was safe when I moved to Korea.

That’s one case of luggage you don’t want to lose! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If you get the Elektron PL1 Protective Cover, you really only need to wrap it in a single layer or bubble wrap or a towel or maybe two t-shirts when you pack your box in your carry-on luggage.