I used a psu-2 with my a4 and it didn't work

More to the point I think I’ve been using a psu-3 on my octatrack. When I was trying the a4 everything was working except no sound - it was driving me nuts all day. Them I realised that they are different psus - plugged in the psu-3 and bang all good.
So the question stands - could that be why I was getting very little headroom from my octatrack? Have I done either damage? At the moment everything is working fine

You’re daft. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Label your cables dude.

You should be ok, because they should have internal transfomers to avoid power spikes / too much input, yet if you don’t supply enough power, you get funky stuff going on.

i wrote on the psu the name of the device and on the cable (tape+white paper) just before it goes into the unit … label things! and thank the elektron gods for NOT frying your gear!

I know - what an idiot. I’m. So lucky I didn’t damage it. I was sure that everything from the ot onward used the same psu?
Anyway thank fk!