I saved a kit but the sounds are gone - help


I just got my analog four and i am reading all i can on forums but can’t find an answer :

I made a nice song within a fresh blank kit with sounds i designed.
I saved the kit and called it “nice 1”

Then when i loaded one of the already written kits (the ones that came with factory) and went back to my saved kit(nice 1), all my sounds were gone.
The pattern was playing but the sounds from the kit i created were gone. Instead it was playing the sounds from the previous kit loaded.

How come the sounds i created were not saved with my kit?


Did you save the kit after working on the pattern?



After rereading the manual i finally understood the importance between pattern placement snd kits and how they are linked with eachother.
It took me a while but i am getting it.

Thanks for sending me on the right track