I need some help please

Hi everyone i am new to the forum I need some help with my next elektron box i allready have a MDUW amd a A4 i need to decide between AR and OT
I am a Ableton user and maschine user too i Know i will buy the two in the future but what will you buy first? thanks alot for the help

Depends on what you’re looking to get out of the hardware and what your needs are. Since you own a MD and an Analog 4, I’d suggest getting the Octatrack since it will add the most to your setup and compliment your current gear. That’s if you’re looking to expand your capabilities. If you just really like the AR, then get the AR.

If you don’t own a lot of hardware, in my opinion I would just pass on the octatrack. I use it to sample lots of my gear. You can use ableton for your other stuff. by far I think the AR is the best elektron box to date. Just put out a video on it. It’s at the top of the ar forum.

I love the OT above all other machines, but a lot of that is because I don’t like working in the computer too much. Ableton Live and Maschine are great software products with fantastic power for doing crazy things to samples and digital audio streams, so I think you would have the most fun with the Rytm due ot he performance feature and powerful analog sounds.

Of course you should still get the OT, but maybe later.

Thanks for the reply everyone i am looking for a one machine live performance and seeing the online videos i think maybe rytm is more live oriented and more fun to perform live what do you think? i think in octatrack you will be lose on all that menu diving and rytm its mnore plug and play like MD but with a better sequencer?

My personal preference is the AR but what kind of music do you make?

Will you be doing a lot of live loop sampling, or using the OT to mash things up a lot?

If not Id go for the AR, its a more intuitive machine.

It really depends, as everyone is saying. I have all Elektron and NI Maschine. I always had troubles with the Midi sync for the MD (lag of 72-83 ticks no matter what I tried), so I used Maschine. (Studio, recently) for beats. With the arrival of AR, I am throwing out Maschine completely. The OT is able to change your approach to music making completely, so i would seriously consider that. If you want to keep Maschine.

thanks for the reply I want a machine to make mostly deep house something like ST Germain

It really depends, as everyone is saying. I have all Elektron and NI Maschine. I always had troubles with the Midi sync for the MD (lag of 72-83 ticks no matter what I tried), so I used Maschine. (Studio, recently) for beats. With the arrival of AR, I am throwing out Maschine completely. The OT is able to change your approach to music making completely, so i would seriously consider that. If you want to keep Maschine.[/quote]
I dont mind throwing Maschine i want a no cpu live set up preferable 1 machine only in studio Maschine and Ableton are ok . Do you know how many samples can i use for project on AR? in MD you can only use 48 i think or 2.5 mb i use mainly one shot samples but the 48 of MD are really limited for a 3 hr live set and if i change snapshot the music stops :sob: i think if AR can load all the samples of the internal memory on the same project it will be great for me i am thinking to play Sax and trumpet on a near future live with the analog rytm as a baking track i need to charge bass samples chord voices textures etc on the sample engine of AR

I think it’s 127 samples per project. The space on the +Drive is sufficient for some crazy stuff as far as I understand, but reading your post, man, you need an OT ! You can use it for one shots, whole sets and everything in between and chop it up endlessly. It’s more complex than the other machines, but if you get the basic samples, loops and textures from your Ableton and Maschine, put them in OT, you’ll be good to go. Plus, you can sample your live instruments on the fly to whatever you have running all in one machine.

i agree

Step 1. Buy OT
Step 2. Turn PC/Mac into glorified tape recorder
Step 3. ???
Step 4. profit!!! hahaha

well i think the only problem its the octatrack stock …

I like the 4rd step LOL

i think i will go octa first then AR :joy:

thank you all for your help