I had a dream - Octatrack video sampler

I dreamed I had a video Octatrack last night. It was crazy. Could basically do everything the OT can only to video. And all the step-buttons had small screens on them and showed previews of the video slices in loops.

Maybe that should be the next Elektron box. Video Octatrack! Man, that would be cool. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I like your dreamsā€¦

I dont think they be true within the next 10 years or moreā€¦ but :slight_smile:
it has my voteā€¦ for the time being your probably better off with some vj program on your laptopā€¦

(hint: the octatrack does send out all kinds of midiā€¦ so hook those up with videoā€™sā€¦ and you almost have an instant video-show)

It would be cool to do some VJ stuff with the OT. I was excited by the idea of doing it in M4L but never found anything suitable. I wonder if there are any nice free VJ apps.

I thought a while about freshing up my ā€œshowā€ with some light-show equipment that is being controlled by the octatrack through an MIDI-2-DMX converter. This should be possible and fun.

But i dismissed the idea because i want to focus myself on making music, not light.

yea, this is something I would like tooā€¦

And it should be small and portable, with a camera attached to itā€¦

There should be an IOS app like this actually

ā€¦just wondering how long itā€™ll take before one of the big guys out there will come out with something similar to your dreamā€¦
if you look at some of the new (expensive) mixing desks or even djs controllers, youā€™ll find that some of them come with wee graphical displays which either show you a waveform or a sequence; technology wonā€™t take long to get to that stage and then itā€™ll be real fun :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Oh, yes! :slight_smile: Should definitely be an app that does it. But having a proper hardware interface controlling this would be awesome. I know Roland released a video sampler a few years ago, but it doesnā€™t look too impressive in all honesty.

Got a friend whoā€™s a great VJ (www.madsmeskalin.com), heā€™s doing all kinds of crazy stuff, touring around Europe with it and stuff, heā€™s using Resolume, which seems to be a pretty good VJ program. I might consider getting that at some point, but music is the priority at the moment. :slight_smile:

Wellā€¦ free VJ software exists :

the following is old but free http://aestesis.eu/elektronika/ There are others too if you google for itā€¦ like [url=ā€œhttp://www.visualjockey.com/ā€]http://www.visualjockey.com/

There is dedicated hardware like : http://milkymist.org/3/ which is inspired by milkdrop the visualization engine of winamp.

For paid softwareā€¦ you got resolume and arkaos vj (or one of its newer incarnations)

In the time I still worked with my vcr and my video-camā€¦ I had a pc with arkaos attached to my midi-networkā€¦ which was niceā€¦ the mc909 was driving arkaos
so i had realtime videos going straight into the vcr instead of the cam.

I am sure you can get simular results with the octatrackā€¦ might even be better
cause the crossfader sends out midiCC which you could tie between some crossfading filterā€¦ make it move a bit moreā€¦

So yeah :slight_smile: happy days for those who like to tinker with stuffā€¦

Yeah, lovely dream. I took the last year off from all technology to flush out my pipes. But before I packed my gear away, apart from learning how to work away from the computer with my MD, OT and Minitaur, I was also exploring the power and joy of audiovisual performance.

My set up had ableton and resolume running together on a 17" MBP controlled by a monome 40h and three faderfoxes. Some of the resolume control was automated via midi clips sitting in my live set but I could jump at will from taking manual control of either the audio or the visuals. I didnā€™t get to the point of performing live but I tell you the fun that I had with my projector and monitors set up in the living room was almost unbearable. lol.
I had started thinking about how I could run the midi control from the OT but my launchpad of choice being the monome I couldnā€™t integrate them without the computer.

hereā€™s where I got to.

Ah, sounds very interesting! Iā€™d love to see that video, but YouTube is just doing my head in these days! Iā€™ve tried upgrading flash, installing this plugin into Chrome and another one, disabling that, going Hmtl5 video et cetera, et cetera, but YouTube just remains a piece of shit to use these days. I could go on and on about how much I hate YouTube, and how I canā€™t understand that Google ainā€™t doing anything about it (as a lot of people are having troubles with YouTube this days).
In short - I canā€™t watch your video. :frowning: Put it on Vimeo?

here you goā€¦

[url=ā€œhttp://vimeo.com/5985373ā€]Dance of the Grobots from [url=ā€œhttp://vimeo.com/timporterā€]zeropoint on [url=ā€œhttps://vimeo.comā€]Vimeo.
Dance of the Grobots from [url=ā€œhttp://vimeo.com/timporterā€]zeropoint on [url=ā€œhttps://vimeo.comā€]Vimeo.

Nice! Thatā€™s pretty cool. :slight_smile:

Thanks man. The real time resolution is much higher and the colours much richer. At the time, the only way to record out of the computer was via a crappy converter at standard DV res. The box did some strange dilution to the colour as wellā€¦but you get the idea.

Iā€™ll start playing again with it all when I get my stuff out again in the next couple of months.

This is my HSS3jb video synth. Has midi control over most functions. I need to use it more!

I really love this idea. I know that it makes more sense to use a computer for this kind of thing, but you got me looking for hardware video samplers. This Korg Kaptivator doesnā€™t look that great, but I never even knew it existed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrcJ7-Y4qlU

editā€¦that didnā€™t work

well if you happen to have a spare Ā£10k lying around after youā€™ve bought your quadrinity you could always use these:

to do something like this:

:astonished: :alien:

really nice! and interesting device. more videos please :slight_smile:

I have a custom HSS3jb too, quite fun little boxes, especially because almost everything is assignable to MIDI CCs.

Did this with mine a while back. Itā€™s being controlled by Live but same principles apply if you were controlling it via the OT.