I can't update the OS of my Analog Four

Hello !

It’s been a while since OS 1.1 has been released but I didn’t try to update my A4 OS until now and it appears it won’t work.

I’m pretty sure I did an update when I bought about a year ago so it’s probably not an hardware issue.
C6 recognize the A4 when it’s running normally (I can see it in the “config” window) but as soon as I restart the A4 while pushing the “function” button to upgrade, the A4 disappears from the list of connexions. :-/

I tried it with my MacBook Pro running Mavericks and with my old MacBook running 10.5.
I also tried it using a USB/MIDI interface using the DIN connectors of the A4.

Is it some kind of “secret” or anything I’m missing here ?


Did you try doing it from the regular OS Update screen (i.e. not the Function+reboot screen)?


I haven’t been using my A4 for a long while and totally forgot about this. I only took a look at the appendix with the update, not the manual (yes… I know… )
And it did work… so ashamed right now… :neutral_face:

Thanks a lot for the help !