I can hear it but I don't know why

A4 hooked stereo out into focusrite input PC usb soundcard

when I press play I can hear the sounds

I recently plugged the USB into A4 and made a OS update.

before that I “think” I needed Ableton to run with audio in active for me to hear the A4 (was the case with the MD defenetely)

now I am very happy but I am not sure what enabled this function…

could have been me who never tried hitting play without ableton running, or is it a new feature?

Will my soon to be delivered MD also be able to be heard without ableton being active?

thanks all in advance for useful tips and advise! this forum rulez

For sure the A4 OS update as nothing to do with your sound car or Ableton or you computer.
Then the correct assumption is: You never tried before.

I have a focusrite interface as well and to me sounds like you need to check the monitoring settings on the focusrite driver/software. Sometimes when I boot up I have to double check it. Sounds like it has nothing to do with your Elektron boxes.

thanks for answer so far secmast and orangehexagon …

btw, i have focusrite 2i4 and run win 7 64bit … where would i find this monitoring settings? all i see is a focusrite buffer latency slider …

there is a monitoring knob on the machine that I keep overlooking … i need to turn it to monitor incoming sound … but then the exit sounds i.e. from video from computer gets turned down… there must be a logic to it…

happy turning knobs everybody …

I have a Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 and there’s software mixer called ‘Scarlett Mix Control’, which is a free download on their website but because always need multiple inputs, am not familiar if the 2i4 also utilizes ‘Scarlett Mix Control’…but bet it may appear under downloads available for your audio interface.

There, you can set-up how you monitor, audio/midi routings…ASIDE and CONJUNCT with whatever DAW you are using, or some, like my Scarlett 18i20, can run standalone as a summing mixer and configure routings/advanced through ‘Scarlett Mix Control’.

It may look complicated at first, but it’s incredibly thorough, if you can think of routing, can almost all be done there, then save those set-ups as templates for Scarlett Mix Control.

If this does not apply to your 2i4, it’s a good thing to know, especially expanding tracks via ADAT/Light Pipe. Hope it helps to some degree…you may not have known there’s additional downloads and tools/applications for your interface.

thanks for the supplied info namnibor!

much appreciated! usually I am happy to not have my system cluttered up with tons of add ons and software… but this one may help to resolve why my midi ports on my focursrite sund card seem dead :slight_smile:

Well, it’s not a “clutter program” if you have not downloaded ALL the required application/driver for your specific Scarlett 2i4. It’s not a third party application, it’s definitely specific to Scarlett Series. Yes, midi port assignments need to be made as well as whatever DAW (I use Reaper) you may be using and then there’s sometimes need to ‘Record Arm’ a Track in DAW to be able to actively Hear routed instrument(s) for that Track in DAW.
Hope it helps. There’s a well documented user Manual download read me file with Scarlett Mix Control.

hi namnibor

once more thanks for spending time and energy on my behalf!

I was having a look at the website again, and in google for the control software …

I was close to downloading it , then I discovered


it is neither necessary nor compatible with my “mini” version …

thanks for pointing out to me that certain tracks need to be armed in my DAW (ableton 9) to make midi transport / signaling work …

as for now, I lost the ability to press space to start ableton and have my A4 react to the same input through my PC … it worked yesterday … and now its puufff gone

thanks for help namnibor and everybody else on the forum for your awesomeness and skillz

Glad to help. Will be first state am now taking the time to learn the A4 and rather than ‘software via PC/DAW’, could not advise because I am more into integrating my physical hardware sequencers and synths of all different makes…then recording mix line ins audio interface.
This is why the Analog Keys interests me but until there’s a Reference Manual, have no clue it’s additional controls as mapped controller, et al.

Sorry the mix control did not apply to your Scarlett model. It’s a bit over the top OCD in it’s thoroughness that almost everyone firstly new to it sees it like ‘the matrix’ before eyes…but it’s actually quite useful and once you have saved Templates of set-ups, even easier.

The individual outs of the AK greatly interest me because have several synths with external inputs from Virus to Q to Evolvers…madness in a great way!

More of an Ambient genre composer here rather than beatty, blip and blop…not that’s a bad thing…just not for my brain.

The A4 may be a ‘Class Compliant Device’, meaning no need for specific drivers, but how your particular DAW or particularly, your ‘Settings’ and Routings…not to mention how say, Ableton recognizes the A4 when there’s any form of ‘time out’ on the A4 screen, as just an example of the myriad variables.
Am still learning A4…however, with external hardware and in particular, hardware sequencers/synths with strong clocking/timing, when there’s certain disrupts, restarting your DAW and/or unplugging/plugging back in USB to get all ports to recognize and speak to each other properly…? Just an idea.
Merry Christmas…green or snowy.

will keep what you said in mind… good call on trying multiple usb ports! …